Back home/ late night

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"What?- oh..." Canada saw that France and England had already come back. "Oh no. No no no no no! Oh god no. They already know for sure I was gone because my car was gone!" Canada felt pure panic rise in him. "What do we do?!"

"Don't panic I mean they did say we could go out to eat right"

"Ya I guess..." Canada sighed, "let's just go inside and hope America didn't rat us out." He walked up to the door, Prussia behind him, unlocked it and stepped inside.

"Um hey guys were back" Prussia said through the empty hallway he was expecting to se two very upset nations waiting at the door for them "hello?"

"That's weird..." Canada said quietly, "maybe we should look around?"

Just as Canada said that America came down the stairs "no use after they got here they went straight to their room, like god if their going to do that wait till everyone is out of the house"

"Well I guess were fine than" Prussia looked at Canada "and maybe we should get to sleep"

Prussia walked up the stairs to his room.

"Oh... Um, ya. Maybe we should just get some sleep..." Canada said after hearing the news. They went up the stairs and Prussia stopped at his door.

"Good night," Canada said sweetly, hugging him. Then he started walking into his bedroom.

Prussia grabbed Canada's arm before he could leave. He pulled him in for a kiss "good night" and he let him go.

Prussia was tossing and turning all night he couldn't even close his eyes from all the noise coming from Francis and Arthur's room.

Prussia got up and walked to Canada's room. "Hey Matt " he opened the door "are you awake" Prussia was one of those guys who slept with no shirt so he just stood at the doorway with his long pyjama pants.

Canada just couldn't fall asleep with all the noise coming from a few rooms over. On top of that, that movie he watched today still freaked him out a bit. He was about to head over to Prussia's room when he heard his door open. He sat up and saw Prussia... With his shirt off. He realized he was staring for a bit too long, "H-hey, can't sleep?"

"Why you can, I'm surprised you can even live with them knowing they do that every night" Prussia walked up to Canada's bed and sat on the edge.

"We just try and drown it out as much as we can. America and I have a secret jar where we put extra cash. We are saving up for sound proof walls." Canada said, laughing a bit.

Prussia started laughing like crazy "sound prof walls won't be enough you need a sound prof mansion to drain that out"

"Um.. Gil.. I, um... Was going to ask you if..." Canada was having trouble trying to word this, "well the movie was really scary and..." He said the next part really fast, "doyoumaybewanttosleepwithmetinight?"

He just smiled at Canada "of course I would" he got under the covers and snuggled Canada close " comfortable?"

Canada was facing Prussia and was cuddling against his chest and wrapped in his arms. "Y-yes... T-thank you..." He said looking up at him.

All Prussia could do was stair at Canada he looked so cute "you don't know how adorable you are right now"

He immediately started to blush and hid his face in Prussia's chest.

"Hey did you hear that" Prussia was listening to the quiet house.

"We can finally go to sleep he cuddled Mathew closer and whispered "good night" in his ear, and kissed his neck.

"Good night..." He whispered. He turned his head to give a little kiss on his chest and fell soundly asleep.

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