Chapter 6

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Things were going routine from past few days infact I would say quiet well as Sam started spending more time with us.

Not like that it was all like before but it was better than nothing.

He started sitting with us in the class and in the lunch too.

Jai and Rads were more than happy.

But with every good thing there will also be some bad right.

Yeah I can sense that bad........

Because since Sam had started spending more time with us, from then his girlfriend Tanya is not so happy with this.

She occasionally throws daggers at us especially me.

I don't know what's her problem.

Why she wanted him all for herself ?

Why she doesn't allow him to spend time with his best friends ?

Why is she so selfish ?

She is making his life hard by doing such things.

I don't know why in the world Sam chose her as his girlfriend in the first place.

It's not like I am jealous but she is clearly not correct for him.

I know she is hot ,sexy, popular and had that perfect figure of a model......but what about her character.

Is Sam that blind that he cannot see her true face and choose which is right or wrong for him ?

We always wonder about that.

Sam is not a bad boy.

He is good, nice, kind hearted, optimistic,  charming and a boy with all qualities that a girl wants.

But he gets easily influenced by his so called girl friend.

Not his mistake again !

She knows how to manipulate him and others also maybe.

She is total different person in front of him or rather acts different in front of him.

As much I know about her.......

She is different with different people.

She is nice to rich and popular.

She is bad to nerds and unpopular.

She loves good looks and money.

She hates poor and average looking people.

And one new person is added at the top to her hate list.

And that's ME !

Yup she hates's clearly visible on her face.

Before I don't know.....i didn't acknowledge her........but now she clearly hates me.

Whenever we are sitting in the cafe with my friends and when Sam also joins us........Tanya burns with anger.

I can clearly see her shooting daggers at our table and throwing glares at me.

She fumes with anger whenever Sam smiles at me or act close to me.

She is insecure and Jealous !

Oh my God ! But I didn't do anything to make her jealous.

Rads also observed this and do you know what she did.

She also started shooting daggers at her twisting her lips at her.

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