Chapter 2 | Party in the USA

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Zac stared at the brunette. She was stunning and unlike any girl he had seen before. She continued to stare at his hand. He had just introduced himself to her.

Hailey was in shock. Zac Logan was in front of her, talking to her. She was no one compared to him. Why was he talking to her? Oh yeah, she broke the bottle of Vodka. She took his hand, shaking it. She noticed a weird shock flow through her body. She ignored him and gave him a timid smile.

"I'm Hailey." She said. Zac grinned at her. He was breaking through this girl's shell. He had a feeling like he was going to be seeing her a lot more and for once, he was glad.

"I'm having a party tonight. You should come. You can bring your friends or your boyfriend." He told her. She watched her stare back at him. He wanted to know if she was taken while Hailey wanted to know why he was inviting her. Was this the universe telling her to have some fun for once? Her brother was going to his party and Ben encouraged her to go too.

"Maybe." She found herself saying. She needed to think it through. Did she want to go to a party full of wild, unsupervised teenagers? She was sure alcohol was going to be present. Zac Logan was here buying it. Wait, how can he purchase it? She was sure he wasn't twenty-one.

"You need to come. It's supposed to be legendary." He stated, breaking through her thoughts. He knew it was true. All his parties were amazing, thanks to his parents' wealth.

"Maybe. I'm supposed to babysit my little sister tonight." She told him. Although she knew it wasn't true. She just didn't know if she wanted to become friends with the school's most popular guy. He's known for sleeping with girls and then forgetting them. She didn't want to be a number to add to his list.

"I promise it'll be fun." Zac said before slipping his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it and clicked on the messages app. "Give me your number and i'll text you the address."

"Okay." She whispered. She took his iPhone X and typed in her number. She could feel his intimidating gaze on her as she typed. She soon saved it and handed him the expensive phone.

"I'll see you tonight babe." He said. He plastered on his signature smirk and gave her a once over. She was definitely different. He then grabbed his cart and pushed it out of the aisle. He needed to buy chips. He was sure Nate and Evan could get the rest of the alcohol. He wanted to leave without her backing out of coming. He just hoped she'd show up.

Hailey watched his retreating figure. She didn't know what just happened. Did she really just bump into the Zac Logan? All her life she had steered clear of him and his friends. Well, she tried to. His best friend Nate Price doesn't seem to leave her alone. It's like he has this obsession with her. She didn't like it. She didn't like him at all.

The thought of Nate made her want to forget about the party. She wanted nothing to do with him. He was worse than Zac. He was the real bad boy. She was sure he'd rule the school if it wasn't for Zac Logan being practically perfect. Every girl wants a smart, athletic, hot guy. Zac Logan was that while Nate Price was only hot and a troublemaker. Don't get her wrong, they are both insanely attractive. She just rather have the one with more qualities.

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She slid it out, assuming it was only Josh. He keeps tabs on her, more so that she's officially an adult now. She doesn't understand why he's so protective, but didn't really care to ever ask.

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