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Four months have passed since I left the Queen at her home. Sam and Kelly were shocked when I showed up for my shift the following night. I explained my situation with them and they were as shocked as me to find out she was my Mate. We spent the next few hour talking about the Mate bond and how to accept and seal it completely. I had to give myself to her. I had to let her bite me if I wanted to accept the bond.


We've spent our free time over the last months training. I know the laws and the different ways our kind feeds. Sam and Kelly need to feed a few times a month and they have been drinking from my club goers. I have to admit when I first found out it bothered me. The last thing I want to do is draw more unwanted attention to this place but I understand their need for blood. They do it in a safe and discreet way here.

They taught me how to sense nearby vampires and how to recognize their unique smell. I've trained my senses to the point where I can now sense danger. I can protect myself now more than I ever could.

There isn't a day that goes by where I do not think of her. I often find myself wanting to be near her, wanting to touch her. As much as I want to I can't bare to let her mark me, I can't bare to be someone's possession.

Today is lady's night at the club. It's only 12 and we have already reached capacity.

"Lydia, you need to relax a little. When was the last time you had some fun. It's been months. Let's go dance!" Sam insisted.

I haven't been able to take anyone home or even out for dinner. The thought of Kaitlyn is always linger on my mind.

"No I'm good Sam you guys go." I muttered.

"You're never going to get over her if you don't get back out there, here take these and have a few drinks, we are here we won't let you go home with a troll." He laughed as he handed me some pills.

Silver pills. A controlled amount is enough for me to feel the liquor. 'Why not' I thought to myself. Maybe a night without her on my mind was exactly what I need right now. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and swallowed two of the metallic pills.

Six drinks later I was dancing with the sexiest girl in the club. We moved and swayed to the beat of the music. I felt free again.

I was definitely feeling the alcohol, and to be honest I was pretty sloppy. We were dancing and laughing as I stumbled occasionally.

I am most definitely drunk.

Apparently I said that last thought out loud because she started laughing at me.

"Yes you are babe, come on lets get out of here."

Babe? What?

It doesn't matter. She was looking amazing as the lights danced off of her flawless skin so I sent Sam a quick text and I let her lead me out of the club. Not thinking of the consequences or the fact that I have no idea what her name is.

She pinned me against her car kissing me aggressively and a little sloppily, it may be the liquor but the sloppiness of the kiss was working for me right now.

We got in her car and she took me to a part of the city I wasn't really familiar with. The alcohol mixed with the night sky made it difficult for me to gather a sense of direction.

She pulled over into a driveway and drove into a garage. Where am I? I looked back before the garage door closed seeing houses, not flats. How long were we driving? I must have nodded out.

When she exited I tried to join her but my door wouldn't open.

Seconds later a man came though a door and I watched their exchange. The mystery man handed her a small brown bag and she disappeared though the door that exits the garage.

Still feeling the silver and liquor I feel myself panicking as he started walking towards my door. Then it hit me. His scent, he wasn't human.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I jumped to the back of the car only to find that the doors in the back didn't open as well. I broke the glass in the window of the door opposite of him and climbed out. My heart is beating out of my chest and my eyes start to burn red with anger. Then I felt a burning across my neck.


He wrapped a chain around my neck and dragged me through this house. I screamed in protest flailing and grabbing at any sturdy object we passed. He opened a door and threw me down a flight of stairs. The pain shot through me making me groan.

Seconds later I found myself tied to a worn bed. There are silver restraints around my waist, arms and legs burning my flesh. There was an overwhelming smell of rot that filled the air. I need to get out of here or I'm going to die. Maybe I could reason with him?

"Why?." It was the only word my body would let escape.

"I'm not strong enough on my own." He spoke.

He seemed to tower over me. The gloved man was tall and massively built. His dark red eyes eyes where covered by his long hair.

"Let me fucking go!" I screamed struggling in my restraints.

"The more you resist the more pain you will cause yourself, allow me to drink from you and I assure you you're time with me will be tolerable."

His words made my stomach turn. Give myself to this fucking guy? Never.

"I will never allow you to drink from me you fucking leech!" I spit at him.

"Child, you're going to spend the last days of your life begging me to bite you." He stood up and grabbed a pair of pliers. His hand held my arm down as he began using silver pliers to pull off my finger nails one by one.

I didn't give him the satisfaction of screaming. Instead I clenched my jaw and let my mind wander to a happier time. I thought of my mother and how she would hold me when I cried. I thought of my friends and how they dedicated their lives to our friendship. Finally, I thought of how I felt around Kaitlyn and the way her touch made my body feel.

He must have noticed his attempts to torture me were failing because he stood up abruptly walking over to a box on a metal table.

What he pulled out next made me hold my breath. Silver spikes. Dozens of them.

I'm going to die.

"I'm not going to ask you again, consent or die slowly. Yes or no."

I shook my head giving him a silent no and he plunged a spike into my thigh. I screamed involuntarily no longer able to hold back. The pain was shooting through body as the silver from the spike burned into my flesh. My breathing was rapid as he impaled me over and over again.

The room was spinning. I felt my heart beat slow as the room began to grow dark. He stopped after twelve spikes. He left the room as as I screamed in pain until I didn't have the energy to continue.

I let my mind wonder back to Kaitlyn and how she erased my pain. I should have stayed. Remembering what she said to me before I left I focused what was left of my energy on her. Let my mind talk to her in hopes she would get my message.

'I'm sorry Kaitlyn.'

On the one night I indulged myself to forget her she was my last thought before everything fell dark.

Complete darkness.

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