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Well, shiitake mushrooms.

There were two things in the forefront of my mind, in this instant, before the water cooler as I felt the accusing glare being shot at my back, as my water bottle continued to fill.

1) That voice belonged to Angeline Whittaker.

And 2) If this was what I thought it was about, then I was Boo Boo the Fool for ever thinking that this little snitch crusade wouldn't go down in flames.

Of course it would. Why wouldn't it? I thought I was a genius, but I never bothered to sit down and plan properly, listing all the potential pitfalls and ways this could go awry and my ass be exposed. Heck, I knew that this was a wild idea, but I went ahead with it in the manner that I did, thinking that I wasn't fearful of the consequences.

I guess a small part of me still did, still screamed at me in my mind that I was going to regret it when I was shunned and hated, back to the Ostracism Level for being a little snitch. But there was always this other prt of me, a side that was dark and chaotic, a small part of me which craved these reckless and wild ventures.

That tiny side of me wanted people to know.

Silent revenge, little snitch moments and sneaky catfish-esque emails were fun and entertaining - yet never as satisfying as being able to shove it in their faces or taunt them that I, Selene Chan, ruined them. I, the loser, the geekish weirdo with no social skills. It was stupid and pathetic, but it made sense - I had always been hungry for attention. Hungry for someone to finally notice my power, and desperate that I would ever be important enough to be seen as a threat.

But I was never a threat. In fact, I was so insignificant that I was barely talked about at all.

I decided that the water had reached a good-enough height and stopped the water supply, screwing my bottle cap back on as I turned around to see Angeline expressing more emotion than I'd ever witnessed since the day I met her in orientation. It was a look of pure disgust... some disappointment, too. 

For whatever reason, I felt a little piece of my soul shrivel - not that I cared about what she thought, but I never disliked Angeline Whittaker throughout the time in Rifton. Not even jealousy. In fact, I'd once wished I could learn to be just like her - but that version of myself was not meant to be.

Now, she disliked me - which meant that she wasn't going to have qualms to take action against me. 

Game face on, Selene. Don't acknowledge. Who knows what she's brought with her?

"Sorry?" I blinked, feigning confusion as I ran my fingers over the water bottle, feeling the cold and the condensation. "I think I might be missing something here."

Probably not a good idea to do this - but too late at this point. I must follow through.

"You're the snitch," Angeline hissed, her baby blues glowering with distaste, "I saw you. I saw you rushing into the school toilet. Rianne came running after shortly. I closed one eye until Rianne got kicked out of the prefectorial board. And then there's Gillian and Lisa - you probably told on them too. Did you send that video of Natalie to eve-"

"Whoa, what?" I exclaimed, continuing the 'what-the-frick' face as best as I could, despite being terrible at the faking thing, "You - what are you talking about? Why do you think I was the snitch?"

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