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"Pfft... HAHAHAHAHAHA," everyone bursted out into a laughter as they heard Hoseok's story.

"What a stupid story! She was surely trying to prank you Hoseok," Yoongi wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes as he hung one of his arms around Hoseok's neck.

"But hyung. She looked serious. It wasn't a-" Hoseok was cut-off by Seokjin's words.

"Enough talking, let's get inside," Seokjin said as he walked ahead of the other boys dragging his luggage. "We need to wash and eat. Jungkook's sleepy too."

Seokjin looked at Jungkook and other boys too followed their gazes to his direction. Jungkook was already drifted into dreamland, leaning his weight against the wall, folding his arms. He slept standing there, whilst resting his right side of head on wall, as soon as Hoseok started his story. Light snores of the tired boy could be heard, his mouth slightly open.

"Cute," Jimin giggled, earning strange looks from the other five boys.


"Another one... Where do ghosts mail their letters?" Seokjin brought out another joke out of the box full of he had in his head.

"Ugh hyung, not again," whined Namjoon, facepalming the umpteenth time.

"At the ghost office," soon the windshield wiper noise was echoed in the just opened house.

"I shouldn't have told him the story at the first place," sighed Hoseok, who almost tripped over Jimin, who was laughing hysterically bending his body and squatting in front of him.

"Exactly!" said Yoongi pointing at him.

"My brain cells are almost numb," Taehyung groaned as he knocked his head as if he will hear a response from there.

Everyone entered the house after walking through the garden of the mansion, their eyes examined its aesthetic interior. They all had their mouth open in awe. After admiring the beautiful interior of the mansion, which was cleaned before their arrival, everyone decided their rooms by rock-paper-scissors. Seokjin and Yoongi had to sleep in the room on the ground floor, opposite to the kitchen, across the large hall. Taehyung and Namjoon had to sleep into a room on first floor. Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin also had to stay in a room on the first floor, not too far from TaeJoon's room. Since it was an old and big mansion, all the other rooms were locked.

"Hyung~ I am hungry~" whined Taehyung as he drummed the coffee table in front of him with his fingers, while sitting on the couch. Jungkook too joined him and they both were making some noisy music beats. While Jimin and Hoseok were blasting on a girl group's dance on those beats and singing "We want food, we are hungry~ Food is life, food makes us happy~"

"Kids are hungry! What should we do?" whispered Seokjin near Namjoon's ear, whilst the noise around.

"Yeah, I am hungry too, hyung." Namjoon nodded when he felt his stomach growling.

"Let's order some food then," said Yoongi in a tired tone, laying on the couch as still as a rock. "Ugh, stop all these noise! I am trying to sleep here!"

"What should we order?" questioned Seokjin aloud. At this question, everyone went silent as they simultaneously looked at Seokjin and Namjoon. After a small pause, everyone blasted with the suggestions. After having argument for like ten minutes, they all decided to order fried chicken. Namjoon took out his phone to order chicken and Jungkook got cups of ramyeon from his bag. While Hoseok took out two large bottles of sprite from his bag.

"We have some kimchi too," Taehyung stated proudly, holding up a packet of kimchi above his head and running in the living room.

"Ugh... Where the hell is network?!" groaned Namjoon, stretching his hand out with phone in it, searching for network. Finally, he got it at one corner of the house. First he searched for the nearest restaurant on the internet and then placed order to the one he found suitable.

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