Chapter 22// Dizziness

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Aiko stomach was finally void. Her head was spinning and the excessive perfume the concubines had used was not helping. She quickly wiped her mouth with her hand, shivering.

Aiko felt a hand on her back. She turned around, swallowing with difficulty. The Emperor's blank face welcomed her sight. Even though he was trying to be emotionless, a sparkle of worry danced in his eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asked indifferently, his hand dropping from her back.

Aiko shook her head. "I don't feel that well." She murmured. Her voice cracked.

"Come, I'll bring you to your chambers."

"B-but the maid quarters are far away," Aiko whispered. The Emperor said nothing.

He bent down and picked her up. His right hand was under her back, while the left blocked in the crook of her knees. As he lifted her up, Aiko's eyes widened.

The Emperor looked at her. He was about to ask her what was wrong when she vomited on his kimono. Aiko felt her hands shake. She covered her mouth. "I'm so sorry." She whispered hoarsely. The Emperor waited for the familiar flame of anger burn in his chest, but nothing came. Slightly surprised and at loss for words he just shook his head.

Aiko eyed him nervously. She let her head lean on the Emperor's chest. The silk was soft. His Majesty liked the warmth her small body emanated.

As the Emperor walked towards Aiko's new chambers, maids and servants bowed. He realized that everyone was eyeing the woman in his arms questioningly.

He chuckled. They would have fun trying to understand who she was. Aiko turned her head. "Why are you laughing?" She asked. Her voice so quiet he could barely hear her.

"Nothing." The Emperor said. As he said this, he started to feel dizzy. The world became hazy around him, colors blurring together. "What's happening...?"

The Emperor's Rose Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora