Chapter 1- The Failed Attempt

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*Authors Note:

Hey y'all! Welcome to the 2nd book of the series!!! In case you don't remember, I used Candice Swanepoel as inspiration for what my character looks like. I hope you all enjoy! Remember to share and like the story!

Luna POV

I've been in New York for a week now, and I'm ready to go home to Italy. Dante and I have been working so hard lately, I'm going to lock him in our room and not let him out for a full 72 hours, at least. I'm leaving Prohibition when I feel a presence following me. I'm not one of those people that brushes off a gut feeling, so I grab my gun from the back of my black jeans. Dino, my closest and longest bodyguard follows my actions before asking me, "what's up Boss?"

I shake my head, "just got a feeling, stay alert." Dino knows me extremely well, and he trusts my intuition. He speaks into his earpiece, "can we get some backup at Prohibition, Queen's got a feeling something might go down."

I smile when he calls me Queen. It's the guys' new nickname for me. They all have been so accepting of me and love me as their Queen, I have no doubt in my mind they'd all die for me. All the men, including my husband, see me as equal of a leader as Dante. I love them, they are my family, and I make sure they know that.

All of a sudden, a black SUV comes speeding down the street, and three men in black masks jump out trying to grab me. Making good use of my heel boots, I step on the ones foot hard, causing him to stumble back. I take the opportunity to lunge out of the way so Dino can shoot them. Dino hits one of the guys in the chest, killing him instantly. I pulled the trigger just in time to hit the other, killing him as well. The third guy runs to the car, and speeds off as we shoot at the moving vehicle. Just then, our backup comes flying around the corner, screeching to a halt next to us.

I feel Dante before I see him, I still get goosebumps when he's around. "Mio amore, what happened?!" He grabs me kissing me deeply before I can answer his question. I grab his hair, pulling him in closer, as my tongue attacks his. He's intoxicating to me, I love him so much it's unbelievable. Roman, who showed up with Dante, clears his throat, waiting for an explanation.
As Dino fills the rest of the guys in on what happened, I go over to check who the men in the masks were.

Chills ran through me, "Dante!" In a second he's by my side. He glances down, "that figlio di puttana!" The dead men were two of Kaiden's closest men, Cole and Ryan. Vito comes over, spitting on the bodies, "unloyal fucks." Dante shook his head, "I knew it was a matter of time before they turned on me. I mean, they ditched Kaiden like he was nothing when I became leader."

I turn to Dino, smiling fondly, "go home to your wife and kids, Dino. Let Lillian know she must come shopping next week with Isabella and I." I give him a hug. Lillian, Dino's wife, is slightly older than Isabella and I, but we have all become a very close group. Dino nods, kisses the top of my head, and heads out.

Dante POV

After the whole ordeal, I take the love of my life home. I'm so proud of her, she's risen above and behind expectations. Everyone loves her, respects her. She's absolutely hands down the love of my life and I can't imagine my life without her. Tonight was a huge scare. I've got to remember to up her security. I know Roman and Vito have trained her to be lethal, but I still don't want her to have to even worry about it.

I hear my wife in the shower, and decide it's time for some quality time with my Queen. I strip down naked, and walk into the shower, hugging her from behind, laying kisses on her shoulder. "You know how much I love you?" I whisper in between kisses. She moans before turning to face me, "yes, but I always love to hear it."

I smirk, kissing down her neck now, "let's get a little dirty before we clean off..." and with that, I start to work my way down her body...

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