Chapter 23

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So sorry for slow update!! But I have a lot to think about so yeah..

Sorry for the wait, here's another chapter to all my lovelies^^


"Colt, the door!" I yelled from the living room when someone rang the doorbell.

Curled up in the corner of the couch that I'd claimed as mine and reading my book, you could say I had no intentions on moving.

I heard him laugh, then he started talking to the person at the door.

I wonder who it is?

Brown hair and brown eyes caught my attention when they both walked into the living room.

"Well look at you, all dressed up," he chuckled. "Nick!" I smiled and put my book on the table.

"Hey there, mini," he smirked. "Long time no see."

I walked over to him and stopped in front of them. "I'm not mini," I protested like a little kid and crossed my arms.

They both raised their eyebrows and looked down at me, wearing their sexy smirks. Their 6'2" frames clearly towering my 5'5".

"Okey maybe I am," I mumbled and retreated back to the couch. They both laughed lightly at my retreating form.

All dressed huh, what a joke. I was wearing sweatpants and Colt's t-shirt - just because it's bigger and more comfortable. And it smells like him.

Colt sat down beside me and pulled my legs onto his lap, I didn't mind. More space for me!

Nick took a seat in the chair beside the couch and put his elbows on his knee, looking like a serious business man.

He wore a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and a suit-like jacket on top.

Really nice.

"What's up, Nick?" Colt asked and leaned back. His arms stretched out on the back of the couch.

"I just wanted to get out of the house, non of my sisters are home and I was bored," Nick replied with a shrug.

He has sisters? That's so cute.

"Oh, how are they doing by the way?" Colt smiled at the mention of Nick's sisters.

"They're good," Nick laughed lightly. "Cana still has a hopeless crush on you and Amber just broke up with her boyfriend, so now I wanna kill him," he ended and laid back in his chair.

"Why do you wanna kill him if she broke up with him?" I frowned at him.

"He cheated on her," he sighed. "So excuse me for wanting to rip his throat out."

I smiled at how protective he was over his sister. It's cute.

"How old are they?" I asked.

"Cana's 15 and Amber's 18," he yawned. Small tears appearing in the corners of his eyes, he was tired I see.

"Hah, I'm not the youngest one anymore!" I happily pointed out. Giving them both a satisfied grin.

While I studied the two men in front of me they kept chatting about his sisters and the party.

Apparently Nick's family's invited too. I get to meet his sisters!

There wasn't much difference between them, only their hair and eye color. Maybe Colt's muscles were a bit bigger, but Nick still looked good too.

Colt has that playful and yet mysterious aura surrounding him, he's serious when he needs to be and loosened up when he wants.

Nick's more like the sweet guy, the one you'd love to be friends with or even have him as your boyfriend.

A Vampire's Pet #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu