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Cassiopeia couldn't sleep. She had left from the hotel at around ten in the night, reached the Mercedes garage at ten-fifteen and had disassembled, fixed and assembled both the cars at around midnight. She huffed loudly and cleaned the tools before putting them to their place. Obviously, there was a state of disorganisation in the garage and Cassie was very tempted at fixing it, but she considered the fact that they might lose time tomorrow if they can't find the tools. So she kept spraying copious amounts of WD-40, cleaning everything to a state of perfection.

It was a wonder they came forth and fifth during quali. Cassie shook her head, making a note in her mind to apologise to Lewis next time she saw him. It wasn't really his fault, more like his mechanic and engineer's fault. She really liked his reaction though, very amusing and might try to irritate him a tad more before ever attempting on apologising. She swore under her breath as she tried to clean a bit of grease from a wrench. She growled, pulled the spray up and soaked the wrench, rubbing furiously.

"What are you doing here?"

Cassie groaned as she kept rubbing the metal. "What are you doing here?"

"I've got a pass."

"Oh really? And I got myself one. I disabled the cameras so technically I am not here."

"What are you doing with my car?"

"Relax, Hamie. I am fixing it. No, I fixed it. Your problem was in the electronics at both cars, a deliberate problem I must say. It feels like there is a traitor. But don't worry, I am here now."

"And you are going to do what? Spray WD-40 on them?"

Cassie stopped and placed the wrench on the table. "You know this thing is flammable. I might begin an unhealthy habit of smoking while I am spraying them with it."

"This still doesn't explain why you are here?"

"Strategy. I will find the culprit tomorrow, based on their reaction when we'll win."

"Aren't you very certain about yourself?"

"Hamilton, really now? If I wasn't certain I'd not be here. Anyway," she cleaned her throat and turned around, resting her hands on her waist. "The least I am expecting from you tomorrow is to come second. The least. I fixed it, do be careful it will be faster than before so don't oversteer. It's not very professional."

He nodded. "I am still waiting for an apology for your slap."

"You won't get one. Not until you have proved to me you deserve to be up there. Well," she slapped her hands on her hips. "Or at least you deserve to be in my team." She grabbed a helmet on the side of the table and pulled the suit she has been wearing up, securing it at its place. She turned around and approached the car.

"What are you doing?" He sounded alert.

She growled. "Shut up, I am highly qualified to try the car in the race track."

"I still don't know if you passed your driver's license."

"I took a driving license at sixteen, I drove for a few years at gp3. So, I got myself a fresh super license six months ago."

"Should I be surprised?"

"Oh, please. I am your boss you have to be surprised and tell me how perfect I am."

"Please, don't drive in my car. Take Valtteri's."

"Why would I ever do this? Valtteri's my friend. You are..." She shrugged. "An investment I found, not done myself."

"I still wonder how you got your position."

"Keep wondering, it's good for your brain cells."

"I am not stupid, stop implying things."

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