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Chapter 7: Twat-faced Bimbo

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I opened my mouth to apologize, but Ivan cut me off.

"Watch where you're going," he sneered. My brows furrowed at the rude tone of his voice stained with disdain, feeling a rush of anger arise inside my chest. I gritted my teeth.

Deep breaths, Desmond, deep breaths. You promised mom that you wouldn't fight anymore, remember?

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"Are you deaf?"

"No, but I have an ear disease that makes it hard for me to hear bullshit."

His thick brows narrowed, and I felt myself shrink under his shadow. Why did he have to be so darn tall? And why did he look good even from this angle? Where was his double chin?

I knew deep down that it was my fault for bumping into him, but his foul mouth and haughty attitude was making it hard for my already big enough ego to choke out an apology.

He leaned in towards me, narrowing his eyes.

"The hell are you crying for?"

"Your face."

I ignored the surprised look on his face and crouched down, gathering Arthur's papers.

I could see every mark that was circled in bright red.

100/100, 100/100, 100/100, 100/100. Oh look, another 100/100.

Ivan bent down and picked one up.

"Arthur Mellow?" His voice softened. He glanced towards me. "Your name isn't Arthur."

"Thank you for that very sharp remark," I retorted.

"Why do you have someone else's papers?"

"Why do you care?"

"I asked you a question," he growled in a husky voice.

"And so did I."

"Why do you have his papers?" he repeated in a more demanding tone.

"Mr. Power gave them to me," I sighed, finally standing back up and snatching the one that he held in his hands.

"Why would he give these to you?"

"That's none of your business, now is it?" I smirked. I was about to leave, but he grabbed me by the arm and slammed me against the wall, slamming his hand only inches away from my face, leaning dangerously close to me. His grey eyes were clouded with frustration and anger, making me gulp.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he hissed through his teeth, his voice almost coming out as a growl. "Why did Mr. Power give you Arthur's old exam papers?"

The Class Prince, Ivan Moonbitch. I didn't give a shit. I had my limits, and he had just crossed the line.

I pushed him away, surprised by how hard his chest felt but pretended not to be impressed, straightening my back so that I wouldn't seem so short.

"Well, Ivan, why don't you try using that genius brain of yours and look at his last name? Arthur and I have the same last name, do you not see it written all over his papers, you good for nothing twat faced, bimbo?! Are you blind or something? Do you not know how to read?" I snapped, my voice involuntarily rising. "Well then, let me help you out a bit. He's my brother, my older brother. My B-R-O-T-H-E-R, BROTHER," I shouted, releasing all my anger. "Now will you back the fuck off and give me some personal space? Breathing the same air as you is suffocating enough, so do me a favor and just back. The. Fuck. Away."

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