13. email

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Twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes have gone by since I received an official email from none other their company. I can't say I wasn't expecting this— Jungkook told me a few days ago.

I have done absolutely nothing with all these days off from class. My schedule unfortunately is the worst on the planet and spread out my only two written finals a week apart. Thankfully my other three classes only required a final paper to be handed in electronically.

So— now instead of studying for that last final, I am getting no sleep over the fact that I'm talking to Jungkook and now I will not eat knowing his company is aware that I'm talking to Jungkook.

Another ten minutes go by of me staring at the screen. It's such a long email and I can see the places where I am supposed to electronically sign my name. Part of me wants to just sign it and be done, but I know that's basically against the first rule of signing official documents.

I mean, I can read it. Well, some of it. Vaguely. By the time I have sounded out the third word in a sentence I already forget the first two I read.

I feel like I'm solving a math problem. I have a notebook out trying to translate the words so that I don't forget what I'm reading. I tried Google Translate, but for some reason Google is inept at translating Korean to English.

"Ah," I say in a thought. I smile to myself like a mad woman as I copy and paste a portion into a text-to-speech.

I click "listen" and the robotic voice from my Mac starts reading out what I've pasted in.

"What the hell? Really?" I complain to an inanimate object. This robotic voice speaks only in English and cannot pronounce anything. Trying to decipher if it said an "e" sound or an "ae" sound seems 10x harder than when I was attempting to read it.

I mumble to myself and lean my elbows against my desk. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Mom!" I yell. My laziness is also contributed from my lack of desire to call for her.

I wait a moment until I hear her small feet padding up the stairs. She is in my room within seconds.

I release a deep breath.

"Help me, please," my voice is soft and gentle. I know the moment she starts reading this she will know what's going on.

"What's this?" She takes her reading glasses from her pocket.

I watch as she pulls a chair from the corner of my room to sit next to me. Her eyebrows are raised and her head is titled back as she reads the email. I am staring at her facial expression the moment she gets to about the second line.

She gasps.

"JaeJe," her eyes are wide.

She looks back at the screen again and continues to read. I am holding in a small chuckle. I know she doesn't want to say anything until she knows what the email is about for sure.

"So?" I can't contain my smile.

"You found out?" She looks at me.

I nod my head and we share a mutual expression.

"And you still talk to him?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, isn't that what the email says?" my hand sticks out to point at the typed words.

SNS || jeon jungkook ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ