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"Jen, this is sooo good. Like really good" she managed to say still with food in her mouth.

"I couldn't agree more with your Mom, you really are a star in the kitchen. You should be a Chef, you know."

I just smiled at her and watched her eat. I don't think she has any idea how cute she was nibbling the last baby corn.

To tease her more, "Now, I need to re-assess your age." The next thing I knew half of the baby corn was flying towards me. I was shocked and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You see what you did? Because of your teasing, it costs me my baby corn." She was frowning.

Damn, does this girl know she's giving me butterflies in the stomach just by doing that? Wait, what? What butterfly? Since when did I feel something like that? I was still contemplating my own thoughts when she spoke again.

"You will have to cook for me again tomorrow." Her hands were on her waist and looking at me intently.

"You don't have to threaten me, Emma, You can just ask." I cannot believe the look she is giving me right now, she is definitely something. I mean, it's food we're talking about, only food but I feel like she could eat me right up if I don't cook for her.

"You know, what does this mean Emma?" lookin' at her still half smiling.

Her hands were still on her waist, "What?"

"You cannot live without me, like literally can't." Stunned by what she heard, she came close, closer than I expected and I myself wasn't breathing, our faces were inches apart, and I could smell her breath when she suddenly laughed and pulled herself up. "Oh yeah, you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not." And she turned her back to clean the dishes. Oh boy, if she only knew, I have no objection at all.

The next day was no different from yesterday, there I was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling when I heard my phone, I opened it and there was a message from the girl next door, oh yeah, we exchanged numbers yesterday.

I'm waiting.

I looked at the time, it was 7 p.m. She's serious about the cooking yesterday.

God bless my grams for teaching me how to cook.

I changed my shirt and kept my short shorts, I wanna be comfortable today.

It was just 3 steps and I was already at my neighbor's door knocking.

"Do I really have to text you?" she was nagging me.

"Well, hello to you too, neighbor." Is she serious? I walked directly to her kitchen grinning.

"I wonder what happened to Hi, Hello nowadays." I tried to look as puzzled as possible as I continued to ransack her fridge. "It's still usable, you know. Use it just once in a while." I looked at her and found her not listening to me but checking my behind down to my legs.

"Saw something you like?" She looked at me startled and flashed her the biggest smile I could muster.

"Uhm, yeah. I mean, no. What are you talking about? Just cook ok?" She stomped out of the kitchen and sat in the living room, she's flipping through the channel but I'll bet my ass she's not watching anything in there. I turned my back again to what was I doing and started to cook. She was checking me out and that gave me a little bit of hope, hope that maybe, maybe there was a chance.

I finished everything in the kitchen and she recovered from earlier and decided to set up the table.

"I'm starving." She sat next to me and starts eating.

The whole dinner she didn't speak nor look at me, maybe she was still mortified by what happened earlier. I cleared my throat hoping to ease the awkwardness.

"So, do you like it?" I asked.

She finally looked at me confused in her eyes and started blushing again.

Before it goes anywhere, "No, no. The food, do you like the food?" I panicked a bit, worried that she might get the wrong idea.

She recovered fast and composed herself.

"Uhm, yeah. Did I tell you already that you're a good cook?" She looked at me under her hair and gave me a warm smile. And it melts me.

We fell into a routine, every day I would go over to Emma's place around 7 and cook our dinner, and my Mom noticed.

"Sweetie, it's not like I'm not happy with you making friends but I need to ask, where are you going every night, I mean we always missed you in dinner."

That caught me off guard, should I tell her that I'm spending time with our hot neighbor?

"Honey? Are you alright?" My Mom sat beside me and caressed my back.

"Yes Mom, I'm fine. I'm actually going over to our neighbor and spending dinner with her, I hope that's ok?" I looked at her a little bit worried. I'm not sure how is she gonna react.

"With Emma? Oh yeah honey, it's okay. I actually liked her. She's a nice girl." I didn't know they were acquainted.

"She always greets me whenever she sees me, very nice girl." She continues.

"But I didn't know you were close?"

"Well, when she was down to her last box a couple of days after she moved in, I helped her carry it."

I am actually more than happy to hear that she likes her. I mean, what's not to like about her? Yeah, sometimes she's grouchy, and by sometimes I mean when she's hungry. But other than that, she's perfect.


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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