Chapter 48: Scary Confessions

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I was crying last night...

And guess who was there -

You. Just like always


It was the weekend after Jaimie-mae's and Fabian's date. He had so much fun with her. They spent all morning talking and joking around right up until the first crack of sunlight. They decided that they should pack up and leave before they could be clearly seen naked.

He was at the mechanics fixing up cars when he got a call from Jaimie-mae.

"Hey Jaimie," he said with a smile, but when he heard her voice the smile immediately dropped from his face.

"F-fabian. I-I-I..."

"Jaimie? Jaimie-baby tell me what's wrong," he said frantically.

"There's a man in my room," she said through her tears.

"A man?"

A sob came through the phone and Fabian immediately grabbed his keys and ran to his

Jim stopped him. "Where ya going?"

"I'm sorry Jim. I got an emergency i gotta take care of. I promise i'll be back extra early tomorrow morning," he said as he hopped in his car.

Jim nodded to him. "No problem. Take care of that girl of yers. See ya bright and early then."

Fabian thanked him that sped off towards Jaimie-mae's house. He could still hear her crying over the phone and it made him extremely anxious.

When he finally pulled up to her house, he jumped out, forgetting to lock his car and sprinted to the door. When he turned the door knob, he was surprised to see it was locked.

How did a man get in through a locked door?

Fabian went around back and jumped through the window which he forced open himself.

Not even thinking twice, he sprinted towards Jaimie-mae's room and swung open the door. He scanned the room and spotted her curled up at the head of her bed.

"Oh Jaimie," he said as he rushed forward and climbed onto her bed.

He realized that there was no man at all. Well not for him at least. He was there for Jaimie-mae to see.

"Can i hold you," he asked as he looked into her, now, dull blue eyes. She looked like she was looking right through him.

Her bottom lip trembled and she broke the silence. "You came for me," she whispered.

"What. Of course i came for you. I was worried."

She looked at him in the eyes for a long minute and then her eyes glazed over again.

"Wait. Don't do that. Don't leave. Stay right here," Fabian pleaded as he grabbed her face between his hands. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

Soon enough she was back. "I feel so alone," she whispered as a tear dripped down her face.

"No. Hey, hey. I'm with you... okay? Always."

She whimpered and nodded before burying her face in his chest and sobbing.

He stroked her hair. "I hate hearing you cry like this. What happened, you were doing so good this week?"

"I-i don't know. One day i was happy and then it all hit me like a truck."

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