Hidden Love

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Boom clap- Charli xcx

Will was putting his laptop in case when Sam stirred waking up from her slumber sleep. She looked at her side but Will was missing, looking at him she spoke in half sleep

"Where are you going?"

"To work, sweetheart"

"but its Sunday"

"I know, but I gotta go" he moved towards her in bed kissing her forehead

"mmm......don't go"

He tried to move away but she holds his hand stopping him. He sat back on her side pulling duvet over her, sliding her hair back

"I have to sweetheart; I'll be back before you know it. Go back to sleep, take rest & eat well when you wake up"

"I won't eat if you won't come back soon"

"I'll be back soon, but promise me you'll eat"

"No...." she pouted on verge of sleep

"Please promise me, I'll bring your favourite ice-cream"

"You don't know my favourite" it did disappoint him that he doesn't know her favourites

"I'll surprise you"

"I like surprises"

She fall asleep before he could say more, kissing her on her forehead he went to work

She jolted woke up next assuming everything happened was a sweet dream, sweet William dream, sweet..... wake up Sammy, she heard Will's voice but he is at work. She looked around then whose voice was that, maybe my minds are playing games. She freshen up became ready to take lunch to Will, when at Will's office he was arguing with Jennifer

"jenny why don't you understand I need the money"

"I don't have that much cash"

"What about our savings account you made, in which I am giving my 20% every month"

"Are you accusing me for stealing now, Will?"

"I am not accusing you, I just need the money"

"You know what I can't deal with you right now, I am going shopping"

"Yeah, go shopping but let me remind you, money on that card is also mine"

"For a billionaire like you. You're always talking about money, shame on you"

She walked out of his building while Sam came out of the cab holding his lunch, looking all happy when Jennifer stopped her

"oh...isn't it his lovely wife"

"Hey, jennifer....."

"Cut the act, I know you love Will but you know what he loves me"

"Are assuring yourself or me"

"I know Will loves me, yeah maybe he is attracted to you & likes you but you are just the flavour of the month with whom soon he Will get tried & come running back to me then you will remain alone & heartbroken like every girl who try to approach him in college or now. He'll always come running back to me like lost puppy"

Right know Sam wanted to slap her hard so she'll realise what she just said but she didn't want to make a scene & ruin her image. How could she call a person she love a puppy, shame on her, I know she is doing all this for protecting her love but she is crossing the limit now, isn't she? Sam just smirked & reply her

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