CHAPTER 8: Pandora's Box -the third strike.

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There's no backing out.

                Despite all the things I discovered, I still decided to see it until the end. I convinced myself not to have any pity for him because he doesn't deserve it. That maybe... maybe he is just keeping that picture of me to constantly remind himself of what he had done. It's his way to ease the guilt he is feeling everytime it goes back to him. But, really, whatever his reason is... I just don't care.

                What I've been through was incomparable. It's like I've been killed –twice— by the two alphas. A lot more worst than being burned alive.

Now is my time to return the favor...


                I'm so tired from the four hours travel I had to go through just to execute my plan. I'd been to the city just to drop the two black boxes at some Courier there... with matching blonde wigs and an utterly thick make-up –just in case either of them barged in there and came looking for my identity. The name is safe since I just randomly selected one, id's aren't even required. I need to exert such effort like this because being caught was the last thing on my list. Well, not only my effort... I also paid triple to what I should really pay, since I noted that the boxes should be delivered before seven in the evening –sharp. I'm excited for later.

                It siesta time when I get back, no wonder the house is too quiet. Maybe all of them are taking their nap. So I just go straight to my room and lay on the bed.

I am sure that later, I'm gonna miss this quiescency I am experiencing right now... I thought of as a crooked smile formed in my lips, before drifting to dreamland.

                I am having my usual dinner with them. But I am really agitated to the point that I want to walk out, grab my phone and bash the City's Courier. My gosh! The messenger is already twenty five minutes late! I cannot afford this kind of delay –my time is ticking. Quite being helpless, I just look at my plate... playing the food with my fork.

 “Is the food not to your liking, Lauren?” Mrs. Meyer asked me. Everyone looked at my direction. I felt so conscious that I just shook my head and take a bite. She smiled to me and everyone resumed with their business.

                The doorbell dings –it jerks me up.

“I will, excuse me,” Jeric stood from his sit and went to the main door. I am holding my breath while waiting for Jeric to show up.

“What is it?” Lindon asked as Jeric takes his sit. The latter gave him the black box.

Good. Let's see how tough you are, dear mate.

                He grabbed the box and open it... everyone's anticipating as to what it contains. He reached for the paper and started reading, silently.

                I saw how his facial muscles stiffened. Whatever he is reading, it surely is something so big to be able to affect him so much. His fingers are trembling as he put the piece of paper inside the box. Lindon looked at his parents, on the verge of breaking out.

But he didn't.

Tough guy. I smirked.

                 Instead of showing how he really felt, he stood from his sit and left us without any word. He marched his way upstairs and the loud banging of the door is the next thing we heard.

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