Chapter 17

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When it was already dark, I thought that Peter was going to come back but Liya said that he'll pick me up outside the Pixie Caves. I was able to soak up as much as I needed from Liya. I actually have full confidence that I'll be able to make it through the night.

I was now back to being full sized, but I was still wearing the same type of combat gear that I wear everyday. As much as I'd like to go to a ball in this, I'd stick out like a sore thumb. I don't want to attract any attention to myself.

Liya was fluttering her wings towards me. There were four other pixies right behind her. Then all of a sudden, they all went full sized right in front of me.

"What the actual shuck!" I fell on the ground. The pixies all giggled but they graciously helped me up. "You guys can go full size?"

"Yes, we can," Liya laughed. "You should've seen your face."

"I swear, I'm going to shucking smash your face!"

"Oh don't be like that," she nudged my side, "it was just a joke."

When I had recovered from the shock, I laughed with them. "Alright, so what am I going to wear?"

All the pixies shared a look that made me nervous and excited at the same time. I've never dressed up for anything before. I used to dream of doing something like this before. I remember Newt and I discussing how he had a dream about the two of us going to schools and going to a prom.

"The two of us would dress up and dance while music plays," he said. "I want that for us. I want to enjoy that life with you (Y/N)."

I saw the sadness in Newt's brown eyes as he shared that dream of his to me. Going to a ball isn't really the same as the prom that Newt was saying, but somehow I was living that dream he had. I was living his dream.

I was taken out of my thoughts when the five pixies of them formed a circle with me in the middle of it. As of now, they're not in a playful mood and seemed pretty serious.

After sharing a look, the five of them raised their hands until different colors started to surround me. They surrounded me until I could only see colors around me. I looked down and saw that I was no longer wearing my combat gear.

As of now, I was wearing this long sleeved gown that hugged my waist and flowed gracefully down below. My hair was fixed in this stylish hairstyle with a couple of sparkles in them. I guess that those sparkles were pins holding some of my hair up. At first the dress was pitch black, but then it transformed into white. When the dress was done, the colors around me disappeared and I saw the pixies who were all giggling and squealing with excitement.

"It's white," I commented as I turned around.

"Peter suggested it," Liya smiled, "he said that he likes you in white. You like it don't you?" She waited for my answer with questioning eyes.

"Of course I do," I told her. "It's beautiful."

"So are you," she said. "Check out the shoes." I lifted the gown a little and saw that I was wearing these white boots with a little height in them. "I think you'll be comfortable in that."

"Thank you," I told all of them. "Thank you."

"Liya, don't you think that she needs some jewelry?" One of the pixies asked. "She looks a little plain."

"Plain?" Scoffed Liya. "I haven't seen her this cleaned up before! But you're right, she does need something."

Liya stopped to think until her eyes beamed up, indicating that she's gotten an idea. She took the necklace that was on her neck and let me wear it. The necklace had a gold chain and the only design it had was a pair of wings just like theirs. She changed the color into white, so that it matches my entire outfit.

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