Chapter 41

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"Any questions? Anybody?" I ask at the end of the meeting.

Everyone nods their head negative so I wave my hand dismissing everyone while logan and Nathan stayed.

I stood up at the same time both of them did and logan comes close and smiles at me.

"Would you like to go for dinner with me?" He asks looking into my eyes.

I don't think he is a bad guy so there is no harm if I go so why not?

"Yeah sure. Why not?" I replied back.

"Great then be ready at seven tomorrow evening." He said and kissed my cheek quickly and he was out of the room.


What just happened?

Nathan clears his throat and I look at him and my smile slowly disappears from my face by looking at his displeased expressions.

"What happened to you?" I ask worried.

"You know he will not like it if you go out with logan." He stated

"But he doesn't need to know that I'm going and even if he does its just dinner Nathan. Its not a date." I argued.

"Its your choice. As your best friend, my job was to warn you." He said being all serious.

"Ohh comeon Nathan. You have never warned me in this five years if I went out." I said.

"That was because you NEVER went out with any of the fuckers who asked you out ." he snaps angrily.

"Okay. But its just a friendly dinner so don't worry much." I smile at him.

Pathetic, I know.

"Course I am not going to worry. If there is someone who should be worried then its you." He said.

"Why should I be worried?" I asked confused.

"Considering I'm going to tell Ryan about your Friendly dinner you should be." He said with a sarcastic smile.

"Are you serious!? Why would you do that?!" I asked as my eyes widened a little.

"Why is the baby girl scared?" He said in a mocking way.

Baby girl. I haven't heard it since so long. And I'm dying to hear it from his mouth. Its funny how I always told him to not call me that and now I'm craving it.

"This isn't funny Nathan." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Ofcourse it isn't funny so you should come back to your senses now and cancel your friendly dinner with your so called Friendly friend." He said putting emphasis on certain words annoying me.

"I can't do that.He is Mr. Woodel's son." I reasoned.

Stupid reason. I know.

He shakes his head like your parents do when you get less marks in order to show how disappointed they are.

"As I told earlier, its your choice but its not gonna stop me from telling Ryan." He said  with his tight liped smile.

He walks out of the room after that knowing very well that I will definitely go out.

So I too know that Ryan will be aware of it in less than an hour. I just wanna see what is he gonna do?

Or he isn't gonna do anything and just wouldn't care.


Lukey : Hey sunshine! 😍

Me : Supp?

Lukey : I have some news. Tomorrow at twelve. My place. 😊

Me : I hope its good news. I'll be there. 😘

Lukey : See you tomorrow then.

Me : Bye. 😍

Lukey : Bye. 😊😍

I have some ideas what news he might have but I think I should stop assuming and wait till tomorrow.

I hear a knock and I realized I'm still in office and mutter a quick come in to reveal my PA Patsy.

"Ms. Grayson, these are the files for Zeka Project. The meeting with the owner is scheduled on this friday at eleven." She informs me placing the files on my desk.

I took the files and started going through every detail when I noticed her still standing there so I looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna stand there till I finish all these files?" I asked a little icily to which she nods her head negative.

"Then go and bring me my coffee."I ordered.

And did I tell you how I love ordering people? No? Well now you know.

That doesn't mean I am always ordering people around but whenever I do I just love it.

The control.

After a few minutes she brings me my coffee and hurried out again.

Halfway through one of the file I hear a knock again and I groan in annoyance. She knows not to disturb me every five minutes but she will never understand.

"Come in." I said as coldly as possible without looking at her.

She comes in and walks till my table and doesn't speak anything.

"Are you gonna speak Patsy or just stand there staring at me? "I asked still busy with the file in hand.

"I would love to stand here staring but I do need to talk about something important Ms. Grayson. "


This is not Patsy.

She is a female and this voice is of a male.

A particular male.

I look up to see steel grey eyes staring at me.

We just kept on staring at each other. He has changed a bit I think. He is more mascular now and his jaw is more sharp than before. Overall he looks hotter than five years ago.

I look into his eyes again and speak the same words he spoke when I broke into his office meeting.

"What a pleasant surprise Mr. Knights."



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