Chapter Twenty Two: Mayday

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•Said I'm moving on, cause things were getting rough
But here I am in your bed
I strung it on too long, afraid to be alone
Now we're in over our heads
It's either sink or swim, we've tried so many times
For worse or for better
It tears my heart in two to leave it all behind
And say goodbye forever•

It was a warm spring morning as Lydia stood in the gardens of her childhood home surrounded by many of her mother's friends. Once a month, Sara-Grace hosted brunch for friends and their friends. Lydia couldn't figure out why her mother enjoyed always putting on events, but she supposed her mother needed something to keep her busy besides gossiping with the ladies she hosted.

Lydia only attended for the food. At 20 weeks pregnant, her cravings were beginning to run wild. She had met up with Wyatt for late night milkshakes every night this week and was consistently downing a pint of ice cream almost everyday. Her belly had really 'popped' just a few days ago, making the woman excited and nervous. She was still staying with her parents, but was actively looking to change that. It was to much, not to mention her mom was still trying to hide her away.

Lydia new good and well her mother was embarrassed of the fact that she was unwed and pregnant.... again. The spiteful side of Lydia enjoyed that fact. The woman had even chosen the royal blue dress she wore today to spite her mother. The dress was rather form fitting, accentuating her baby bump even more. While she could easily ignore the whispers and stares from the women who had nothing better to do than gossip, her mother could not.

However, though surrounded by people, she felt hopelessly alone. She left behind everything from her life in Charlotte. Her relationships burned. She missed Isla. She could only imagine the wonderment in the little girl's eyes at her growing belly. She missed the comfort from Luke and the support from Ben. Yet, she felt like she had betrayed all of them in so many ways. Without realizing it, she played with the silver locket around her neck. It was the one Isla had given her for Christmas. Lydia hadn't been able to wear her first couple of weeks home. It made her remember what she had done, but now It brought her a strange comfort.

Then her mind drifted to the yellow legal envelope sitting on her desk. She was so close getting those papers signed. That was one aspect of her life she was grateful to be closing. It felt as if this could help her move onto other things. She thought of her ultra sound picture sitting on her night stand. Her little baby. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes.


The floor seemed to sway under her. Her heart skipped a beat. That voice so soft and caring yet laced with hurt and betrayal. She didn't want to turn a around. She didn't want him to know. She didn't want anybody from then to know.

"What are you doing here, Ben?" Her voice shook as she tried to keep the tears away. Her back still faced him.

"I wanted to see you. To talk to you. You left so suddenly. I don't understand why."


"What did I do that you can't even look at me?"

"Nothing," She took a deep breath, turning around as he eyes met hers.

She watched as his eyes scanned her landing on her swollen belly. His eyes grew tenfold. She could see the wheels turning in his head.

"Is this why you left? Did you think I would react badly?" He took a step toward her. She took a step back.

"Ben..." A tear fell down her cheek.

"Lydia, did you really think so little of me?"

She shook her head. The woman's vision began to blur as more tears flooded. "No, Not at all."

Tea Parties and Feather Boas (Luke Kuechly)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt