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"Connect it with mine. Again." Trevor said in a loud voice as we stood at the door.

I stared up, wide eyed at him, not caring if anyone would doubt I could see him.

"Trevor, no! Not again. Please." He ignored me, left my hand and moved towards someone.

"I'm ready for it. Connect it with my brain."

"I don't want you to sacrifice yourself again, Trevor." Dad said.

"But I want to sacrifice myself. But first, I need to go get my parents. And," he turned to me, and gave me a sad smile. "And do something important too."

With that, he left.

He came back with his parents after almost an hour, although his house was at a drive of only ten minutes from the hospital.

"I'm ready," he said.

Everyone came one by one to hug me, even Trevor's parents. Ashely came too.

Mom and Dad cried hard. They got to know that I knew about the surgery when Trevor and I had heard them talking to the doctor.

Trevor did not get up to meet me. He just kept staring at me deeply during all of this, with his jaw set and his eyes not wavering from me.

After I had met everyone, the doctors asked them to leave the room and injected the anaesthesia in one of my veins.

The last thing I saw was Trevor's wet smile and the last words I heard were, "Find the paper in your room," before my eyes closed.


I was standing in front of the same mirror again, staring at my own reflection.

I saw the same blue eyes I had, long black hair, a slim figure and delicate features.

I stayed like this for long, looking at myself when I felt someone behind me. Just like I had a few months ago, in my first dream.


Of course, who else could it be.

He stepped forward, towards me. I turned, to be directly met with his eyes.

"You'll not forget me, right?" he asked.

I knew that this was a dream and I was actually in the hospital.

And he was talking to me.

He was talking to me through his brain in the state of hallucination.

Our brains were connected.

"I never will," I said.

"Promise me."

"I promise."

"Good Bye," he said that and I realized, that I was going to die. He knew I was, but how could he be so sure.

"Good Bye," I heard myself say.


My eyes blinked, white flashed in front of me again but this time, instead of darkness, I was met by light.

The ceiling had blue patterns on it, and white walls indicated it was a hospital.

I was not blind anymore.

I could see.

And I could see everything.

I jumped up from the bed, congratulating myself and was met by some people whose mouths were covered with blue masks, but their eyes held an expression which indicated something bad had happened.

Some of them were looking at the bed beside mine. I turned to look at it and I wished I had never been able to see what I saw.

Trevor laid on the bed, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly parted and his face unusually pale.

"Wh-what happened to him?" I asked, suprised at how I found my voice.

"He's no more."

I felt like my heart just gave up beating, my brain stopped functioning, my bones paralyzed and that my lungs no more had the power to catch the oxygen.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"He is........ Dead," the doctor, who had his masks removed from his face, said.

"No he's not," I ran towards him.

"Hey, Trevor. Get up. C'mon." I said, shaking him.

Then I turned to the doctors. "You need to check again. Maybe it's only the anesthetic and he'll wake up soon. Just check for once."

None of them moved. They only looked at me with pitiful expressions.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled at Trevor, my voice cracked and my face wet.

"WAKE UP! We had just sorted things out. How the hell can you leave me like this. You can't die. You're not a cheat. You can't choose death over me." My head fell on his shoulder and I sobbed in his neck.

I realized that I could not feel his breath.

He wasn't breathing.

"Will you get off me," the first words he had ever said to me echoed in my head.

With a thumping heart, I reached for his wrist and checked his pulse.

There was nothing to indicate that he was alive.

I felt like the sky had fallen on my head, smashing my skull and turning me as thin as a paper.

"Can you see me?"

I felt like I was crushed between the mountains and the earth.

"Well, excuse me ma'am. Instead of getting mad at me, you should say thanks. I saved your life from those people."

I felt like I had been thrown into the fire, but my skin won't sense the heat.

I felt like I was thrown into ice cold water, but my body won't feel it.

I felt like I should never have been alive. I should have died with all those disabilities, so that my mind could not understand what the doctor had just said.

"Don't lie and stop pretending. You were fine yet."

Trevor Scofield, how could he just leave?

"I felt some pity on you as you had slept on a hard floor. So I brought you here."

I don't know how I lifted my hand and how my fingers moved away his soft hair from his eyes.

"Have you ever seen yourself?"

I don't know how I bent down and kissed his ice cold forehead.

"That's your problem. I am leaving it here. Eat it whenever you want."

But it happened.

"I'm sorry."

I also don't know who pulled me to themselves and started sobbing hard. I don't who picked his bed and took him to his home. I don't know who was hugging his corpse and crying hard.

"I promise I won't touch you."

I don't know if I slept that night or not. I don't know who took me to his funeral. I don't know who said what in the eulogies. I don't know who buried him.

"You hate me, right?"

I don't know who asked me to say something, to scream, to shed a tear, to not stay blank faced like this, to blink at least.

All I know is that he was there, in front of my eyes all the time, smiling at me. Telling me he would always come to meet me down here.

"I love you."


A/N: Damn, I was crying too.

But please don't kill me 🙏. There's still an epilogue left.

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