Life With Jordan

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When we get to the hotel, Jordan sits on the bed slowly.

"What's wrong honey?" I ask softly.

"I don't know how were gonna do this Emmie." He says slowly.

"Do what Jordan?" I ask.

"I don't have a job anymore Emma. I can't take care of you anymore." He says roughly.

"Jordan I own a little business in Maine. I have a small apartment. Were gonna be okay. Come home with me and well start over." I say as I stand between his legs and grab his face gently.

"Just me and you." He says as he kisses my stomach.

"And maybe a baby one day." I say as he continues kissing up my body.

"How bout we start now?" he asks when he gets to my lips.

"I just got you back Jordan." I say low.

"Time is running short though Emmie. Time flies by too fast." He says and his lips graze mine.

"We need to make sure we have everything together Jordan." I say before dropping my head.

"We will Emma. Well have 9 months to do it. Maybe longer. You know that possibility of me getting you pregnant." He says as he grabs my face gently.

"I know Jordan but.." I start until I'm interrupted.

"Did you and Brody use protection?" he asks softly.

"Yes Jordan. Of course we did. I'm not ready for kids anymore. I just got you back Jordan Brown. I want you to myself." I say.

"Emmie I'm 27 years old. Your already 26. You were ready for kids before I left." He says.

"But I'm not anymore Jordan! I have a business to run. I have bills to pay. I just got my husband back. I love you. I really do. Just wait though. I'm not ready for kids." I tell him as I pull away.

"Whatever Emma. Why don't you just run back to Brody? You made quite an impression on him it seems to me!" Jordan yells at me.

"Screw you Jordan. I'm getting in the shower." I say as I turn away from him before he can see me cry.

I slam the bathroom door and take my heels off and set them somewhere they won't get wet. Next, I put my jewelry and belt on the counter. I pull my hair out of the bun and then take my dress off.

"Emmie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Jordan says from behind the door.

I ignore him and start the shower fixing it to the right temperature.

"Emmalynn. Talk to me please." He begs.

I get in the shower and let the hot water wash away the day. I wash my hair and body and then stand under the water as it massages my worries out. Then I cry. I cry harder than I ever have.

I have my husband back and I'm crying in the shower. He expects everything to go back to how it was. I can't have kids right now. I can't give everything up just so we can go back.

I wash my face gently so I get all the makeup off. Then I step out and wrap up in a towel. When I walk out of the bathroom, Jordan is sitting on the bed in his boxers. He must be ready for bed.

I look through my bag for a pair of panties. I slide them on fast and then grab Jordan's shirt and slide it on. I lay down under the cover on the side I always sleep on.

"Why did you lose so much weight Emma? I liked how you were." Jordan asks me.

"Because I started getting too fat for my own good." I tell him without moving.

"You were perfect. You fit into me perfectly. Now, your not even the same woman I knew. Your not the same woman I married." He says without looking at me.

"Try thinking I'm dead for 2 years Jordan. I had to grow up and get stronger. I had to make myself a life without you." I tell him as I turn to see him sitting in the same position.

"That wasn't my fault Emmalynn. I just want to move on with my life. I want my wife to want me. I want you to want the things that I want." He says sharply.

I think back to the way I was at his beck and call. I did anything and everything he wanted. I never questioned it.

"Jordan I'm not that different. I'm just more independent. I don't depend on anyone anymore." I say softly.

"I need someone to depend on me. My wife don't need me, our country don't need me, I don't know what I'm doing anymore Em. That scares me. I've always had everything figure out, and now I don't even know what's going on." He says low.

I sit up and wrap my arms and legs around him. I kiss his back softly.

"Jordan I've always needed you. I still need you but right now you need me. Let me be there." I say softly.

"I'm not suppose to depend on my wife. I should've been takin care of you and I should've been here." He says and his voice vibrates my body.

"Lay down baby." I whisper in his ear after I untangle myself from him.

He lays down after a minute.

"On your stomach silly." I say with a laugh.

He rolls over and I grab my unscented lotion. I get back on the bed. I sit on his butt and put some lotion on my hands. Then i rub his back. I feel the familiar skin under me and I smile. I feel all the tension fade away and Jordan relaxes under me.

"Your not asleep are you?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Never. This is just a part of the past that I remember. I know I was wrong Emmie. I shouldn't have tried to force things together. They always fall in place for us." He says softly.

"Turn around Jordan." I tell him and I raise off of him for him to turn.

I sit myself on him again and lean down to kiss him. He kisses me hard and presses me to him hard before rolling us over. His lips never leave mine and I run my hands over his body, letting my nails gently scratch him.

"I haven't had sex in 2 years Emma. It won't be that good." He says after pulling away.

"Shhh." I say and crash our lips back together hard.

I let him into my mouth and Jordan pulls at my shirt. We take it off fast and I lay back

"God your so beautiful." Jordan groans before latching his mouth to my neck.

"Jordan I don't have any protection." I moan as his erection rubs against my thigh.

"Don't need it. Chances are in your favor." He says as he moves down to my breast

I close my eyes and enjoy him pleasuring me for the moment.

"I can't wait anymore Em." Jordan groans when I rub against him.

"Then don't hold back." I moan as my panties are pulled down.

"I don't intend to." Jordan says sexily.

"Good." I moan as he slides in me.

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