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^ lovely cover made by ilikemebetter_xx

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Skylar's POV

When I woke up, Mom and Dad were gone like always. Which was better since they wouldn't have appreciated my disastrous morning state.

Not the usual drowsy morning look. It was way worse than that. My hair had developed itself into a nest over the few hours I actually got to sleep. I hadn't even realized that I was still wearing my mud-smeared sneakers, flopped face-first onto my bed. There were small cuts and scrapes on my arms from jumping down and climbing up my window. Also, my head was aching really badly.

All in all, I looked like a sleep-deprived zombie, so much so that I was left shaken for a few seconds when I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was tangled into a mess, my brown eyes cast with exhaustion, and my skin almost looked sickly pale.

Once again, I was extremely grateful that my parents were gone on their little trip by now. Mom really wouldn't have reacted properly if she had seen me like this.

Even though I felt like laying back down on my bed, I forced myself to take a quick shower and did as much as I could've to fix myself up. I knew Alex would be here in a few minutes to pick me up, and I did not want to explain any of last night to him.

The only thing I got out of that little midnight trip was a cold, pain at the back of my head, and a little damage to my pride. Going outside at midnight and not catching a bad cold was kind of impossible when you lived at Crestmont Hill.

I stepped into the hot shower, thinking it might be helpful for my cold, but ended up hissing in pain as it made its way down my head.

Life's not fair.

I slowly touched the back of my head with my fingertips. Thank God I hadn't ended up with a concussion (I knew what a concussion was like, unfortunately).

The tip of my nose had gone all red and runny by the time I got out of the bathroom, dressed and fresh. I barely got to have any breakfast when I heard Alex's car pulling up in the driveway.

"Morning." I greeted him with a small sniff, closing the door as I slumped into the passenger seat.

Alex regarded me with a small, worried frown. "Did you catch a cold?" He asked. "You didn't have it when you talked to me on the phone last night."

It was a bit usual of him to get worried over me for absolutely no reason, and it warmed my heart. Not today though. I was sleep-deprived and a little cranky.

"Ate a lot of ice cream last night." I lied, pulling the ends of my trench coat against me.

He started the car and pulled out of the driveway, the frown still on his face.

"You could end up with a brain freeze or something. How much did you eat anyway? Three tubs? Five?"

I eyed him in disbelief. Did he really think I ate that much?

What was up with boys and their bold assumptions these days?

"Seven." I glared at him.

Alex's eyes widened and he laughed.

"Shut it, Alex." I shoved him.

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