6. The blue-eyed Adonis

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"I swear I don't know where he is.", Mark whispered in a shaky voice. His skin turned even more pale as my grip tightened around his wrist.

"For the last time kid. Tell me, where Alex is or you won't be able to walk straight for the next week.", I said, glaring at him while he tried his best to get out of my grasp.

Alex hadn't returned home yet. It had been three days since he was missing. At first, I thought he's with Mark but after talking to Mark's mother in the cafe, doubt started filling my senses. She said Alex left the same day he came.

That explains why I was torturing Mark to find out the truth. Mark was a geeky kid, with his huge glasses covering fifty percent of his thin face and his 5'0'' stature cladded in Khakee pants and loose button up shirt.

"I- I don't know. Really.", He was probably telling the truth because if he knew anything, he would have spilled it out an hour ago. Poor kid was shaking as he was already afraid of me since the time I punched him and broke his front tooth.

Releasing him from my hold, I picked up my satchel and walked out of his house. No matter how hard I was pretending to be, my insides were shaking with fear. Alex was the only person I had, my only support in this hell. He was my responsibility, my little brother.

Marching down the road, I watched as the sun fall behind the horizon, painting the sky red. My heart was pounding inside my chest cavity and my head was buzzing.

What if he is in some kind of danger right now?

What if he has been kidnapped?

Oh God! Please help me.

Reaching my home, I rushed towards the phone and called every one of Alex's friend but nobody had heard from him. I thought about calling Anna but I remembered I didn't have her number.

I was still lost in these thoughts when the phone rang. Picking it up hurriedly, I waited for the person on the other side to speak up.

"Miss Hazel Martin, I am speaking from police station. Is it true that your brother is missing from three days?", A masculine voice said and my heartbeat quickened.

"Y- yes.", I stuttered, trying to control my erratic breathing.

"Your brother has eloped with a girl named Anna Davis. You have to reach the police station as soon as possible.", Saying this, he ended the call.

"What have you done, Alex!", I said exasperated, hiding my face in my hands.


Taking every step with caution, I walked into the police station. A loud bang pierced my ear and I followed the source of the sound.

  "I apologize if it sounds rude sheriff Warner but I don't need the help of your department. I'll find them myself and I am already informing you that I am going to beat the hell out of that guy.", A familiar voice boomed, sounding like the person was trying his best to keep himself calm.

  Looking around, I found the owner of that voice who was facing sheriff, his back was towards me. He was tall and was wearing a grey business suit.

  "Calm down Mr. Davis. I shall personally solve this matter as soon as possible, believe me.", the sheriff replied in a low but authorative voice.

  "I am perfectly calm Mr. Warner. But that piece of shit who tried to lay his hands on my sister, he has no idea what he has gotten himself into.", The man threatened in the same tone and my face flushed in anger. I could feel smoke coming out of my ears at his words.

You arrogant big-headed piece of shit. You want fight, you would get one.

With firm steps, I trekked towards him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Davis. I suppose the boy you are talking about is my little brother. And I should probably warn you, nobody, I repeat nobody talks shit about my brother and gets away with it easily.", I used my most scary tone which I last used on Derek Archer when he emptied his soup bowl on my head last year.

  Sensing my presence behind him, the man turned around and a gasp escaped my lips when I realized who he was.

Oh God. Not again.

Standing in front of me in his full glory was the same blue-eyed Adonis. The one who almost killed me and then insulted me on the road, the one who became victim of my coffee assault, the one who helped me in my inebriated state.

Bravo Alex. Thousands of girls in this town yet you chose this devil's sister.

"You?", His face scrunched as if he had seen a monster.

Ok dude. I know I'm not Jennifer Anniston either, but don't look at me like I am female version of Shrek.

"Yes, me. Alex's sister.", I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You- , of course, who else in his right state of mind would elope with my little sister except the brother of a freak like you.", He accused,looking down at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.

Balling my hands at the side of my body, I gave him my best glare which unfortunately didn't affect him as much as I thought.

"My brother would never do such thing. Maybe it's your sister who was too tired of your crass behavior that she decided to elope.", I retorted and his eyes widened like a saucer.

"My sister would never do such thing.", He said, clenching his jaw.

"Really, then why did she run away with my brother?"

"Xavier, Miss. Martin, we have already tracked their cell phones. They are in Red Rock town right now. I am sending my best officer to get-"

"What part of I don't need your help do you not understand?", He glared at sheriff in a way that even a glacier would melt and the poor man looked like he was controlling his urge to retort back.

Alex was right. He is really a big shot. That's why sheriff is afraid of talking back to him.

"I am going to find them myself." He added, leaving no room for discussion.

What if he really harm Alex? I don't even have a car. How am I supposed to reach Red Rock town before him?

Think Hazel. Use your brain which is always filled with sarcastic replies and best insults.

After much pondering, I finally spoke.

"I'll go with you.", I said, trying my best not to waver.

"And tell me why would I take you with me.", He said in a mocking tone.

"Why won't you? Are you afraid I would prove you wrong? Afraid to hear the truth from your sisters mouth in front of me?", I said in a saccharine tone.

My words seemed to have struck the right cord as he narrowed his eyes at me and after few seconds of glaring at each other, he finally answered.



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