17 | Unstable

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I asked Miles as he went to unlock his door. He turned to me, startled.

"Don't do that!" He clutched his hand to his chest and steadied himself against the wall. "Anyway, I should be the one asking where you've been."

"I was just looking around," I admitted.

"Without me?" He gasped, unlocking his door and stepping through it, shopping bags in hand.

I went in with him. "I'll make it up to you, promise." It was then that I began paying attention to the room I was in.

It was no different, size wise, to mine, but leant against his chest of drawers and rested on the window sill were what seemed to be dozens and dozens of paintings.

"What?" He asked when he realised I was just stood in the middle of the room, in awe.

"This is mad," I said. "You made all these?" He nodded. "Bloody hell, these are incredible."

It was no wonder he had secured a scholarship for art at Attwood, especially if all his work looked like this. I paid particular interest to one with him as the muse, spatterings of yellow looking like war paint across his face.

"Come on, let's just go," he said, pulling me away and out of the door.


We'd ended up at the stables, despite Miles previous refusal. Something was on his mind, I could tell. He just seemed a little detached. I put it aside when he seemed less than willing to delve into it.

"Do you think we'd be able to sue if we die right now?" Miles asked as we neared the stable entrance.

I thought back to all the papers we'd had to sign. "I reckon they made us agree to a waiver."

"Damn it," he muttered.

On either side of us, horses were in their areas, various shades of brown, black, and even a few white ones. They were all huge, towering above even Miles.


"I'm out," Miles said, going to walk away before I caught his sleeve. He groaned in annoyance.

"It's not that bad," I said, my words attempting to back track as quickly as possible as I caught sight of two figures, one a boy and the other a girl. Not just any girl and boy, though.

It only had to be Archer and the dragon girl, didn't it?

Miles followed my gaze and this time, he was the one to catch me before I hightailed it out of there.

"Come on, you were the one that dragged me here."

I huffed a sigh, "Fine."

Archer and Michelle were talking between each other at the far end.

As they noticed us, Archer leant in to her and whispered something. He was in his usual attire whilst Michelle stood looking like a professional horse rider. Neither looked particularly happy to see us there.

"Are they still looking?" I asked Miles, both of us now leant against one of the horse's gates.

Beside the odd worker, we were the only ones there and to say I felt intimidated would be an understatement.

Agreements With Mr Rich Boy | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن