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I didn't reach the 100 vote limit but I did get over 700 reads so me being the nice person I am decided to update twice. This is a thanks to ALL of my readers! <3

~Chapter 17~

The back of my head hurt. I touched it only for pain to shoot throughout me. I flinched and sat in the corner of the cell, away from the guard. My ankle was chained to the wall and I hated it.  "Your awake" A voice spoke. I stayed silent, hoping Jason would save me.  Jason please save me. I'm so scared. A tear fell out of my eye at the thought of never seeing him again. 

"Hello darling"A man with red eyes came into view and tears spilled, "R-Ryder?" He chuckled, "I see you know me. You are as beautiful as my son has told me"I couldn't see him, only red,cold eyes.

"You will make an excellent Luna for our pack"He added and I flinched thinking of mating with someone other than Jason. "Please. I just....I want to go home"I pleaded and he chuckled, "This is your home Catherine"I started calling out to Jason and Ryder connected his hand to my cheek. I hissed at the pain while cupping my cheek.

"Don't you ever call out or say his name.You will not disrespect me,or your mate"He growled. "But Jason's my mate"I whispered and he kicked me. "No precious. My son is your mate and you will greet him as sir and I will be Master. Understand?"

"No, I'm not calling you that!"I yelled and he punched my jaw. I spat out blood and he spoke again, "Understand?"I shook my head and he slapped me again. "Understand?"

"N-No"I replied bravely and he connected something silver to my hands and stuck a needle in my arm. He injected me with a purple liquid and hung my hands above me. "Understand?"He growled. "I'll never do shit for you!"I yelled. He took out a whip and ripped my shirt off.

I felt disgusted and wanted to kick his ass but everytime I tried to use my powers, my hands would start burning. He struck me with the whip repeatedly. I screamed at each hit, still not wanting to give in. He then began beating me senseless and everything was blurry. Black spots clouded my vision and I blacked out.


I woke up and my body stung. Any sudden movements were painful. I pretended to still be out like a light and tried my powers again. The burning sensation wasn't as bad and I could use them but it would take alot of energy.

"I see your awake"I different voice said. "Fuck.You"I replied spitting out blood.

"That's no way to greet your lover, Catherine" He put emphasis on my name and I wanted to spit in his face. Wait...Lover?!This guy must be crazy!

"L-Lover?" I choked.  "Yes, indeed. But first what would sex do us good unless we broke the bond" He said.  "Come here darling" A girl walked up.She looked familiar but I didn't see her face because of the Black cloak she wore.  She started speaking in Latin and I felt something weaken inside of me. 

"Now, let's get that mutt to accept" He dragged me into a white room and turned on a camera.The image of Jason popped up and he looked relieved to see me.  "Kitten" He spoke.  "J-"I was cut off by a loud smack and a stinging in my right cheek.  "Don't say his name" He hissed.

"You son of a bitch I will fucking kill you!" Jason growled. He chuckled.  "Jason you won't be finding me anytime soon. Once I marry,mate and mark her she will be mine and only mine" He said. Jason growled even louder. 

"I'm not accepting,you jackass" He growled. "Really? You won't? Bring her in!" Grey eyes growled. A bloody girl with blonde hair and blue eyes came in.  "Melody?" Jason gasped. "I thought you...." She cut him off.  "Jason! Please help me!"She cried. I felt my stomach twist in jealousy.  "Ah, you haven't told her about Melody, have you?" Grey eyes had an evil grin on his face.  "You bastard!" Jason yelled.

"You see Cat. Melody is Jason's mate" He said speaking slowly. 

"Well, not his true mate but they claimed to be" He said.  Jason was getting more pissed every second.  "Shut up!" He shouted but he continued, "They mated and he marked her. He planned to reject his true mate for Melody but she supposedly died in a rouge attack." He watched my expression change from jealousy, to anger, to pain. 

Tears brimmed my eyes.  "Kitten it's not like that. I was young and stupid" Jason cut in.  "So it did happen? You only like me because I look like her dont you?" I asked but my voice was dry and raspy.  The tears fell down freely.  "Baby, it isn't like that. I forgot who Melody was when I met you" He said.  I could see guilt clear in his eyes. 

"No no no Jason. You have a picture of her on your desk still, don't you?" He asked.  "No. I don't. It's a picture of Catherine" He corrected.  " promised me" Melody kept saying.  She glared at me.  "Just accept it Jason. We can start the family we wanted" She added.

"Catherine, he doesn't love you. He is using you" Grey eyes said. Everyone spoke to me at the same time but I couldn't help it.  "SHUT UP!" I shot water our of my hands and pushed them against the wall. "Shut up! I hate all of you!" I froze the door handle and broke it off.

When I got outside, I shot water out and anyone in my way. I ran and ran until I saw a car. I hot wired it and drove. I didn't know where I was going but I sure as hell wasn't going home. All of a sudden, the earth pushed me out of the car and I landed in the grass gently.  At that time, 2 large trucks, 1 coming from the front, the other from behind came full speed at the car and crushed it.

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