Chapter 20

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*Few days later

My days were going normal. With a simple routine. Today, Lucifer was going to Italy for his business. I really didn't asked him much about his business because I think I know about it. He asked me if I want to accompany him but I politely decline his offer. I don't care about being a queen to underworld, but I know I'll never support this mafia and all. He said nothing but promised me to take Italy another time.
"I'll be leaving now, wife" he said while fixing his tie. I went near him and took his tie from his hand.
"This colour isn't matching. Let me bring another one" I said softly, quite scared of his reply. But he didn't say anything. He only watched my every move in amusement. I went inside the wardrobe and picked a suitable tie. I returned and stand in front of him. I wrapped his tie around his neck with his eye fixed on me all the time. I didn't dare to look up directly towards his storming grey eyes. When I was done I took few steps backward and smiled at him. Only then, I noticed his look. His eyes were full of different feelings. First time was I able to detect Lucifer's feelings. They shined with adoration, amusement, seriousness, lust and mostly love. My smile disappeared slowly and it was replaced with confusion. He quickly pulled me again to himself and kissed me like a animal. He took my breath away. He kissed me with all his dominance, possessiveness, hunger. And I surely loved it.
"I'll call you later" he said after releasing my lips, panting slightly. I only nodded because I was trying hard to catch my breath. He again pecked my lips and went out of the room. I took few moments to control my senses. I touched my swollen lips and a smile made its way there.

After watering the plants, I went inside the kitchen to see what Amy was doing. I saw her making list of things. So out of curiosity, I asked her "What is it Amy?". She smiled and replied, "Honey, it is the grocery list as I'm going to the market".
"Why are you going? You can tell the driver or any other man" I asked in confusion.
She laughed, "ohh, I don't trust them. They don't know how to check veggies. And I'll only bring the best for my kitchen. So, every time, it's me who does the grocery shopping".
Suddenly a idea came to my mind.
"Can you wait few minutes? I'll just go and ask Lucifer if I can accompany you" I asked her. She looked surprised but nodded her head.
I went hurriedly to our room and searched for my phone. I picked it up and called Lucifer. After two rings he picked it up.
"Lucifer. Where are you?"
"I'm on the plane. Why? Is something's wrong?" He sounded worried.
"No. I just wanted to ask for your permission" I said in low voice.
"For what?"
"Amy was going for grocery shopping. I just wanted to accompany her. Can I go??" I asked timidly.
"No" he huffed.
"But why?" I whined.
"Because I said so"
"But...but I want to-"
"Maisie. No means no" he yelled.
Tears burned my eyes and I refused to reply him. I was boiling with anger, so I hung up the phone. I sat down in my bed in anger.
He never let me go anywhere without him. How can he think I can stay like this? I'm not a prisoner. I'm his Wife. But he always keeps me locked in here.
'That stupid animal!!' My subconscious screamed angrily.
I took few deep breaths to calm myself down. Suddenly my phone went off. I knew who was it, so I choose to ignore him. It ringed again and again and again.
Then I realized what I was doing. I was making the Lucifer angry. When my phone went off for the 6th time, I decided to pick it up. As soon as I received it, a voice boomed through the phone.
"Maisie Knight! How can you hung up on me? How fucking dare you ignore me, huh? What the fuck were you thinking?" He yelled at me. I didn't dare to say anything in fear.
"Answer me wife" he hissed angrily.
"I...I- I was angry" I whispered softly.
"Angry? Fuck. Maisie. The things I want to do with you right now wife. Just wait for my return. You'll be glad to receive your punishment" he said in a lustful manner. My eyes widened up but I remained silent. After few moments, he breaks the silence.
"Where?" I asked in confusion.
"Go with Amy"
I gasped loudly. I didn't believe it. He is allowing me?
"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes" he sighed, "but stay close to Amy. I'll send few female guards with you too. So don't even think about ditching them" he said strictly.
All my fears flew out of the window and I started jumping up and down.
"Thank you Lucifer. I promise I won't ditch them and I'll stay close to Amy. Thank you thank you" I said in a overly excited tone. Lucifer only chuckled and hung up not before saying goodbye.
I hurriedly went to change. Since it was cold outside, I decided to wear a grey top, with white jeans and long Cardigan. I hurriedly went downstairs and saw Amy dressed up, checking the list.
"Let's go Amy" I said her happily.
She looked shocked for a moment but smiled widely at me. She nodded and we went out for the shopping.

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