Chapter 8

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I step my feet inside the house but was met with silence. I walked to the sitting room and I didn't find anyone. I guess uncle Benson went out because he doesn't work on weekends. With that thought in my mind. I sigh in relief.

I turn my back to go upstairs. I'll just lock myself in my room till Monday because he leaves very early to go to work but I have to carry some food to my room so I don't starve to death and I can loose the chance of meeting my funeral.

When I turned around. I gasp in horror. Uncle Benson was there staring at me with his arms crossed on his chest. I guess it was to early for me to celebrate.

"Who was that guy that drop you off slut?!!"

"He.....he was the guy that saved me from the guys that wanted to r-rape me yesterday."

"And were is my vodkas?" He snapped at me. Suddenly looking at my hand. Wow he cares I was about to be raped. Not the sarcasm.

"Huh?" I act dump not ready to answer his question.

"I said were are my vodkas?!!" he said coming closer to me. I have to lie I can't tell him that I lost his money or else he will kill me.

"I.....uh.....the guys that wanted to rape me took the money from me." I said but my voice comes as a whisper but I'm sure he heard me..

"Stop lying you slut!!!" he shouted before giving me a hard slap on my left cheek. Then he pushes me down and he started punching me on the face. After about I think five punches, he stood up and kicked me several times on the stomach. I turn and hold my stomach as I started coughing out blood. "Don't think I'm done with you." he said going to the way of the kitchen.

I started crying my eyes and heart out. What did I do to deserve all this? Why does he hate me so much? Why does my parents hate me so much to leave me with this monster? Was I that useless to them? I'm sure wherever my parents are, they are having fun.

I tried getting up slowly. Wow this hurt like fuck! I reached the stairs. I was about to put my leg on the first step but froze when I heard the monster's voice again. "We the fuck do you think you are going bitch? Come back here!" He said coming closer to me. When I saw the knife shinning in his hand my eyes went wide. I tried to walk faster up the stairs. Key word tried.

He pulled me back by my hair. I yelped. "Shut up you slut!!!" he said while pulling my hair. He pushed me to the wall, I slid down the wall and he came closer. Before he could stab me with the knife, I did what all smart girls would do in my condition: I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

He groans falling on his knees and dropped the knife down, putting both his hands on it. That's what you deserve bitch! Oh no his trying to get up. I used the opportunity to quickly run upstairs while coughing out blood and with all the pains in my body. Once I reached my room, I locked it and ran to my bed. I couldn't stop starring at the door in horror.

I could hear his foot steps coming closer to my room. When he got closer to my door he started banging the door. "Unlock this door right now or I will break it!!!" he said while banging the door. I know he's just trying to scare me because he isn't strong enough to break it.

I don't fight him back because he's the only family I know and got. I really wish to kill him long time ago, but where will I stay if I kill him? I don't even know whether I have any relatives or siblings.

"Don't think I'm done with you!!" he said still banging my door. The banging finally stopped. I heard his foot steps disappearing in a distance. Then I heard the front door shutting with so much force making me flinch.

My Hero Is A GangleaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin