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Everyone knew that Spider-Man was young, somewhere in his teens or early twenties. A lot of the Avengers had fought against him in Berlin, so none were too happy with the idea of figuring out just how young the boy really was and acknowledge that they had lost to someone younger than them.

When the drama over the Accords had settled and the Rouges had come back to the right side of the law, Steve did think it would be a good idea to meet the two new members on the teams. Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately.

So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. Tony took notice on the fact that his boy was running late, a hint of panic coming through. He had been talking nonstop about it for a long time...

Tony pushed the feeling aside and concentrated on what was being said in the room. Steve was introducing Ant-Man, the little bastard that did a number on his suit in such a short amount of time. Tony had a feeling that they'd probably get along great.

"So..." Nat looked around the room, "Where's Spider-Man?"

"Late, as always." Tony chuckled a bit as he pulled out his phone and called Peter.

"Mr. Stark?" The boy actually sounded surprised that he called... or was it just that he was yelling over some kind of loud noise in the background?

"Yeah hi, it's me. Where are you?" Tony frowned, "And what's that noise?

"You have perfect timing! Think you could open a window for me? I'm going to see if I can go without stopping!"

"Open a..." Tony glanced to the row of windows- ignoring the strange looks he was receiving from the others- and felt as if his heart stopped for a second as he saw Spider-Man swinging as fast as he could to the side of the building. "Peter, don't you dare!"

"Too late! Could you kinda hurry up?"

"Friday, open window 23 in this room!"

The window slid open a second before Peter came hurtling through, landing right on one of the sofas.

The room was quiet for a second before Peter started laughing. "That was so awesome!"

"Awesome?" Tony snapped out of his shock and walked over to the boy. "You think that was awesome? You could have broken every bone in your body if I hadn't opened the window in time! And did you forget about the security system that likes to zap little blips that are deemed a threat? I think a 5-foot-8 rocket slamming into the tower could be a threat!"

Peter pulled off his mask as he looked down, messing with the threading on it. "Sorry, Mr. Stark. I, uh, I didn't really think about that."

Tony looked at the kicked puppy expression before him and let out a sigh, patting the boy's shoulder. "Whatever. You made it in, good job. Why were you late anyway?"

Peter opened his mouth to answer, but Steve shifted in the background and alerted the boy to the others that were present. His eyes went wide as his mouth slammed shut, and Tony could tell he was trying to restrain himself from freaking out.

The genius glanced back at the others as well, almost laughing at the majority of their shocked faces. They definitely weren't expecting Peter to be so young... He turned back to the boy and snapped his fingers in Peter's face.

"Hey, Peter." He waited until brown eyes looked up at him. "Why were you late?"

"Um... there was... there was a robbery on 25th and after I stopped them I decided to swing here but then the little lady that bought me a churro last time was lost again and this time she bought me a hot dog. I swear I was on my way after that but there was a girl that lost her pet Fluffy in a tree but it turned out to be this huge lizard that really wasn't so bad until it started biting. I almost made it here after that until a car lost control and I had to stop them by shooting a web to the back end of the car and another to a tree, but the tree was home to a hornet nest that started chasing me and-"

Tony held up a hand to stop the boy, allowing him to take a breath. "Let me get this straight... A little girl named her huge lizard Fluffy?"

"I know right?" Peter threw his hands in the air. "There was nothing fluffy about it!"

Tony laughed lightly at Peter's frustrated face when a throat cleared behind them. They both looked back at the other Avengers that were still recovering from the shock of Peter but amused by his story.

"So this is Spider-Man?" Steve asked, looking the boy up and down.

Peter took a shaky breath as he nodded and stood up walking forward to offer his hand, "Yes, Mr. Captain America Sir, I'm Spider-Man, but you can call me Peter. I'm sorry about what happened in Berlin, but it was still kinda awesome but please don't kill me for taking your shield."

"Jesus," Sam muttered as he looked closer at him, "How old are you?"

"Fifteen, but I'm turning sixteen in a month."

"Yeah, and he's making me pay for everything," Tony chuckled as he ruffled Peter's hair and hooked an arm around his shoulders. "A giant party with Star Wars paper plates and a bouncy castle. It'll be great."

"No!" Peter looked mortified as he glanced between Tony and the Avengers, "That's not true! It's going to be... very mature and grown up!"

"Tell that to my bank account."

"Mr. Stark!"

5 Times Peter Impresses the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now