Asking Out

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just googled that these were their genderbent names. Now, let's skip to the good bits!

Monito (Monika):

It was about time for the literature club to finish for the day and I couldn't help but feel like during the time in the club like someone was watching me.

"You ready to head home, (Y/N)?" Satsuke said as waited by the door for me. Before I could answer, a voice behind me spoke up.

"Can I borrow (Y/N) before you go, Satsuke?" I look behind me to see Monito smiling happily, but something was off about it.

"Oh, sure! I'll be by the gate k (Y/N)!"

When Satsuke left the room, Monito pulled up a chair and sat right in front of the desk I was sitting at. Monito didn't say anything for a bit and just watched me, with a sweet smile and kind eyes. I couldn't help but blush, Monito was always so kind to me and I had to admit I had grown a crush on him.

"Your so beautiful (Y/N), I could sit and look at you forever..."

I was taken back by this, Monito, no, no one has ever said anything like this to me.

"Oh thank you, Monito... your, your very handsome yourself"

This time, Monito looked shocked by what I said before going back into his smile.

"Then maybe, you would let me be your boyfriend"

It sounded more like a demand more then a question.

"I know we would be perfect for each other and I thought I should see if you see it that way as well before I had to do something... drastic..."

He had a dark look on his face, but I wasn't thinking of that, I just stud up from my chair and lead over to give him a hug.

"Of course I want you as my boyfriend!"

Monito was shocked over the sudden out burst before happily hugging back with a big smile on his face.

Yuri (Yuki):

This had become an everyday thing, me and Yuri just sitting and reading together in the schools library during brake. We both were shy and quiet but some how became friends due to our love of reading. However, today Yuri kept look over at me more then his book. It kind of made me uncomfortable as well as worried, was I too close or maybe he was getting sick of me. I couldn't take it and with that I slammed my book on the desk, thankful no one else was in the library. Yuri jumped and looked at me wide eyed.

With my head down I shouted,

"If you want to say something to me please just say it and stop looking at me like that please!"

It went quiet, no one said a thing. I felt a hand come to my cheek, making me look up to see Yuri with a sad look on his face.

"(Y/N)'re crying..."

I didn't know I was crying and to be honest I didn't care. I couldn't move, we just looked into each others eyes.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I was just thinking..... maybe.... we could um, I mean if you want to.... go on a date.... with, me"

We were both blushing messes, I couldn't believe he felt the same way. I could help but cry more, which made Yuri jump and panic, removing his hand from my cheek.

"You don't have to! I,I,I just though..... oh dear"



"I'd like that, going on a date with you I mean"

Yuri relaxed and smiled at each other.

Satsuke (Sayori):

Like everyday, me and my best friend Satsuke were walking home and talked about our day, but this time Satsuke seemed to be a lot quieter than normal. Just as we were about to split up to head to our homes, Satsuke grabbed my wrist.

"Satsuke!? Wha-"

"Please be my girlfriend!"

I looked wide eye at him in shock. I had to admit I felt the same but was to scared to say anything in cease it ruined our friendship. I almost didn't notice tires rolling down his cheek.

"I know were friends, best friends in fact. But, I've always felt like you were special and so important to me. I was just fine with just being friends but, with the guys at the literature club, I just feel scared that I might, lose you."

Satsuke moved so he would be hugging me.

"I just want you to be happy and I'll do EVERYTHING I can to make sure that happens. I just need to know, it's okay if you want to stay friends..."

Slowly, I brought my arms around him and leaned into his embrace more. Before I started to giggle, with a few tears building up in my eyes.

"I can't believe you feel the same! I would be so happy to be your girlfriend!"

Satsuke pulled back and looked at me with wide eyes before joining in with my giggles and lead his forehead onto mine.

Netsuki (Natsuki):

"Wouldn't it be so romantic to have a high school romance"

I said with a dreamy look on my face while reading one of the mangas in the literature club. Netsuki and I were the only ones in the room at the time and I was sitting on the floor next to him. Netsuki rolled his eyes as he moved his manga closer to his face.

"That's a stupid idea, why waist time wish for something like that"

My face turned red before I turn to face him.

"Don't call me stupid, pinkie!"

"I didn't say you were stupid, I said the idea was stupid, stupid! AND STOP CALLING ME PINKIE!"

At this point, we were sitting on the floor, angry looks on our faces, screaming insults at each other.











A look of horror appears on his face when he realised what he said before hurrying into the rooms closet and slammed the door behind him. Slowly, I walked to the door and gave it a small knock.

"Netsuki... please open the door..."


With a sigh I sat on the floor, leaning on door.

"Do you really think my eyes are lovely.....?"


"Do you... want to, go out...with me"

It was quiet for a bit before he answered.

"Your not joking about that are you....?"

"No, I really like you...."

I didn't notice when Netsuki open the door, so I fell on the floor looking up at Netsuki. He look at me in shock for a moment before braking out in a laugh.

"Ahahaha, you're so stupid"

"Is that a yes"

He stopped laughing and looked away. But that didn't hind the blush or small smile on his face.

"Sure, I guess...."

Genderbent Doki Doki Literature Club Boyfriends ScenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang