Chapter 7

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When I got to school this morning, I walked in and went straight to my locker.

"Hey," Alex said next to me smiling.

"Hey," I said back to him.

I thought to yesterday at lunch when he growled at that Daimon guy and he barely realized it. I didn't know what to say to him. I understand that he is an alpha wolf, but I didn't know a growl could hold so much power. I wonder if he realizes we are mates, or if his wolf is talking to him yet.

I wonder if I should talk to him about it or no-

"Amber?" Alex asked waving his hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of it. "What?"

He chuckled. "The bell rang already. We are gonna be late."

I blushed and looked down. "Oh, uh yea. let's go."

We got to class and he sat down next to me. I looked over and saw the blondie that threatened me yesterday glaring at me.

I laughed to myself and turned back to look at the front of the class.

But I couldn't really focus. My mind was on what happened at lunch the other day. How could he not know that he was a wolf yesterday? With a growl that loud and powerful, he should at least know something. Like his wolf should have at least said something to him about anything. At least something small, like 'hi' to start off with.

I looked over at Alex and saw him staring at the teacher.

How could he be so calm? He has to be freaking out. I mean, no human makes a growl that big and stays calm about it. I know if I made a growl like that, I would have thought something was up. And I am a werewolf. He's only half.

"Now class." Our teacher started. "I want you to pick partners and make a presentation about a war of your choice. Make sure to include who was in it, some important figures, how many died, who won, and anything else you can think of. I'll let you all choose your partners. You can start now."

I sighed. I hate history...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex turn his body towards me.

He was about to open his mouth, but blondie beat him to it.

"Hey, Alex. Do you wanna be my partner?" She asked him flirtatiously.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth to hopefully stop myself from ripping her apart.

Breathe Amber, breathe.

I looked over and he looked really uncomfortable. I mean like her freaking boobs were in his face.

"Uh, sorry Sadie. I'm already with Amber." He said and smiled at me.

Sadie's face fell and it was replaced with great rage. "Excuse me?" She asked furiously and turned to look at me.

I leaned back in my chair and smiled sweetly at her. "Ya, I already asked him and he said he would love too."

"You little brat."

"Aww, it's okay honey. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of guys that want a fake barbie doll as their partner."

She gaped at me and I smirked in victory. "But... Alex is mine!" She yelled and stomped her foot.

"Sorry hun, but I think Alex is his own person. So I think it would be best if you just ran back to your Ken, Barbie."

"Ugh!" She yelled and stomped away back to her desk by all of her other fake plastics.

I mean seriously. Her skin honestly looks plastic, and that fake tan. A blind 3-year-old could do better.

I heard Alex clapping and I look over at him.

"That was amazing."

I stood out of my desk and did a bow. "Why thank-you good sir."

"So do you wanna be my partner?" He asked hopefully.

I nodded and gave him a wide smile. "I would love too."

My Werewolf GirlfriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz