Chapter 34

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"It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave."

Amy didn't know what to do. She felt like she was going to go mad. If this person could kill Sarah, who was supposed to be safe in the packhouse, then he or she had definitely killed her parents. There was no doubt about it. Which meant that Amy had to meet this person if she wanted to save another innocent person's life.

Amy could feel tears forming in her eyes again, the image of Sarah's lifeless face staring at her. Sarah didn't deserve this. Not at all! This was all Amy's fault.

If only she had listened to the person who was targeting her, none of this would have happened. Sarah would not have died and no one else's life would have been in danger. Why did Amy even have to think that this was nothing but a fake warning? Something to scare her, but nothing serious. It was the worst thing that Amy had ever done, and it costed her lives. Innocent lives.

Why her, though? Out of everyone, why did whoever this person is, have to choose her? She was only a human, incapable of matching with a werewolf's abilities. She could hardly do anything wrong without getting caught, so why her?

Amy knew it was useless to ponder about it but she couldn't help it. She could only think of whoever was going to get killed next. She didn't have an idea but she knew she had to save their life. It was unfair for someone else to pay for her mistakes and errors in judgment.

One thing Amy knew for sure, there was a traitor in the pack. There was no way that someone could have come in, killed Sarah, delivered Amy's letters, and then, left so swiftly without any help from inside the pack. It was just impossible.

Amy knew what she had to do. While following the instructions of the letter, she also had to find out who the traitor was. It was going to be extremely difficult, especially since she could not tell anyone or get help if she did not want to see someone else get brutally murdered.

Amy gulped. She knew she was going to break down soon, from the guilt of her parents' and Sarah's deaths weighing on her. Until then, though, she needed to stay strong and have a calm front because when she meets the person behind all of this, she will make sure that they break before she does. She may only be a human, but her unpredictable life has made her anything but normal.


Amy walked out of the pack house, surprised that no one had asked her where she was going or what she was doing without Sam, since she never left the house alone. Probably because they were too shocked over Sarah's death.

Still, Amy couldn't shake off that bad feeling surrounding her. Looking around, she found no one around her yet it felt weird, as though someone was watching her from the shadows.

Taking a deep breath, Amy slid into Sam's truck, turning on the ignition and driving off to her parent's house. She was not ready to meet the person behind this but she definitely did not want the blood of another on her hands caused by her disobeying instructions.

Sam looked out of the window, a frown on his face as he saw Amy slide into his truck and drive away from the pack house. It was weird that she took his truck without even asking. Perhaps she wanted to go somewhere urgent.

Sam's wolf tried to give him excuses as to why she might have gone but his brain was telling him otherwise. He had noticed the straightened shoulders and the confident posture that Amy was holding as she walked to the truck. It was completely different from the sobbing mess she had been yesterday, mourning over Sarah's death in her room.

Sam closed his eyes. He didn't want to believe his thoughts but it was becoming impossible as they grew louder and louder in his head until he couldn't deny the fact that he knew that Amy was, somehow, connected to Sarah's death.

"Go after her," his wolf kept on yelling at him, "she might be in trouble."

Yet his brain said otherwise, "Go after her before she puts the rest of the pack in danger."

Sam was torn. He hated being doubtful of his mate yet every fibre in him was convinced of the fact that she was involved in Sarah's death.

Letting out a groan of frustration, he closed his eyes before making his way to the front gate, shifting into his wolf and setting off after Amy.

Her scent was quite faint over the smell of fuels from the truck yet Sam was easily able to trace them. He frowned as he continued running after her, realising that the scent led her to the one place he least expected her to be at; her parents' house.

Sam was surprised. He didn't expect Amy to be here, not when they both knew that she was not allowed to meet her parents or talk to them since that was in the agreement they made with Jared.

Maybe she just missed them, her wolf said, coming up with excuses but Sam knew better.

It was weird for Amy to just leave, without telling anyone where she was going, even if it was just to meet her parents. There was definitely something going on which he seemed to have no clue about.

Sam sneaked into the house, shocked why there no one in the neighbourhood, nobody to catch him entering the house like a thief.

Sam peeked into the window that looked straight into the living room, his eyes finding a woman with silver hair talking to Amy. Surprisingly, none of them noticed him, even though Amy was facing him. A heated conversation was going on, Sam noticed, as he observed hands flying and the occasional yelling.

As the woman turned, Sam caught sight of the side of her face, his brows furrowing. Her face, it seemed so...familiar. He waited a bit longer, ducking a few times when he felt that they might be able to see him.

"No way!" He heard Amy shout and he looked in again, his eyes widening as he realised who Amy was talking to.

The silver hair, the green eyes, the one strand of brown hair that was the only thing remaining of her old self, Sam recognised exactly who that woman was.

She was the reason why he lost his father. The reason why the Red Crescent and Freedom Knights pack were enemies. The reason why so many rogues were attacking the borders in the past few months.

Sam narrowed his eyes. He should have known that this woman, this vile woman, was the reason behind Sarah's death too. What was Amy doing with her, though?

Sam knew that he had to warn Amy to stay away from her. She was a human, she had no idea how poisonous this woman had been to the werewolf race for the past few decades. He looked around, trying to sniff out anyone else that might have been hiding around the area.

He turned back to Amy but his eyes couldn't believe what he saw. He staggered back, his heart thumping loudly as he watched Amy take a vial filled with purple liquid, placing it in her bag.

Sam knew very well what the purple liquid was. It was Silvermoon, strong enough to kill even the toughest werewolf. Sam had seen various rouges down that liquid to escape the tortures of the dungeon and even though it was not easily found, Silvermoon was feared among all werewolves because it was a silent killer that left no traces.

His heart sank as he saw Amy smile, his wolf unable to mutter as they realised something that they hadn't even thought was possible. Something they couldn't believe even though it was right in front of them.

Amy had been the traitor in the pack all along.


WelP!! Hey everyone!! Third chapter in five days; I am on a roll!! Haha...

Well, anyways, this is the last chapter of this book! Yup, that's right! The book ends here, but if you are really curious on what happens next, stick with me for the sequel too!! : )

I hope you all have loved reading this book as much as I have loved writing it!!

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Thank you for reading 'The Shy Beta'!!! 😀😀

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