Chapter Two

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I clinched the piece of paper that held my destiny for the rest of the year tightly in my hand while searching for room A12. First class was English, which was a good thing, at least I'm starting with a subject I liked. I noticed some students were repeatedly glancing my way and whispering, the word "New girl", was thrown in a few times. It was starting to get on my nerves and my subconscious-self was getting worked up.

Could they smell fear? 

I sure hope not. 

Where the hell is A12?

A couple of guys whistled as I passed by the lockers making more heads turn my way. My heart started to pound in my ears and my palms began to sweat. Making a sharp right turn in a desperate attempt to get away from all the whispers and glances and BAM!! I violently slumped into someone and lost my balance and not so gracefully applying the 'Every action has a reaction' rule.

"Ouch!" I yelped when white pain shot from my butt down to my leg and ankle. My face hurt too from the collision and so did my wounded pride, but most of the pain settled in my butt. I was on the floor with my belongings splayed around me, absolutely and completely embarrassed. So much for getting over with the first day. There could never be a 'blend in' after that.

"Watch where you're going!" A strong voice barked from above me.

Wait! What? No apology? I looked up to see the face of this unbelievably rude person who did not even offer a helping hand. I couldn't make much out of his features other than the dark hair and the strong jawline because of the dark glasses he was wearing. At least help a girl to her feet!

Listen to reason and try not to pick a fight on your first day, I advised myself. Collecting my stuff as casually as possible and standing up. Be cool.

I was too busy trying to ditch all the glances and whispers that I didn't see him. Speaking about whispers, was it me or did the hall just became dreadfully quiet. My heart hitched for a second.

Nah! It's probably from the all the blood rushing to my face and clogging my ears. Nothing to worry about. I told myself in a feeble attempt to convince myself that it was exactly that. I didn't dare to look anywhere else other than the guy in front of me. One problem at a time.


Why don't people look where the hell they are going?

I was on my last string, and this silence that downed over the usual loud hum hall was pulling on that string. "Mind your own business!" I growled loudly to no one in particular. It was enough to get the hum starting around me.

"I'm sorry," a soft voice brought my attention back to this dump situation. "You were right; I wasn't looking where I was going... I'm new here."

She sounded nervous.

I caught the scent of her perfume while waiting for the big finally. It was something between floral and some sort of fruit.

"Are you... Oh...Err...Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She stumbled over her words.

And there it was. The grand recognition falling in place.

In the spirit of sparing this naive 'new girl' all the drama that was about to follow her apology- I interrupted, initiating to answer the question that was about to be asked. "Yes! I am blind! Thank you for noticing!"

I took a deep breath trying my very best not to snap, "Now that we've confirmed that, you better get going."

Apparently, my words had their effect judging by the silence that followed. I've heard that recognition a lot. More times than I could remember and I no longer have the patience for that anymore. I didn't want to be bothered. I JUST WANT for everyone to leave me the hell alone.

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