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I woke up to someone rubbing my head, "There's a good girl," a man was saying. He was wearing a white overcoat.

The woman from earlier was lingering behind him. "I picked out a lot of glass last night before I hooked her up to an IV, they said she'd been in the water for about two hours before they got her." the woman informed as I was dragged out of the cage.

I gave a whimper, my legs ached, everything ached actually. Where was Tony? Was Tony okay?

I lifted my head and looked around, whining.

"She must be so sore," the man who was carrying me cooed a little, giving the back of my ear a little rub before he set me down on a table.

The woman was carrying a metal pole that was attatched to my foreleg by a tube.

The man started running a hand along my side and legs, "Can you get her half a can of I/D? She's probably pretty hungry after yesterday," the man said with a turn of his head in the woman's direction.

She left the room as he came to the conclusion of, "You seem to just be sore and dehydrated."

I ate the bowl of food the woman brought back like I hadn't eaten in weeks, I certainly felt that way...

It wasn't long after that the two were talking about shipping me to a shelter in New York.

I wasn't sure where New York was, but it sounded far.
I knew I shouldn't have eaten those meatballs...

The man had given me a little bowl containing three meatballs that I knew I shouldn't have trusted.

Now I was in a cage surrounded by people and loud noises. Someone was pushing me though, I was pushed into a building and handed off to someone else who pushed me to a truck.

That was thirty minutes ago though, I'd been taken out of the kennel and brought into a cage that was a lot like the one at the shelter. But there was no Jeff here. There was no Tony, or other Pepper, or Rhodey...

Was Tony dead? I really hoped he wasn't...

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