What goes around comes around

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Lori's P.o.v.
   I had intentions on telling my husband about my addiction. I was ready to tell him I been cheating for a long time. I was ready to call it quits! Untill this chick knocks on my door. The day I saw her while we was at lunch. I knew that bitch was sleeping with my husband. How can I be mad though right?! Yea!Yea! I do my thang and I may not want to commit. That's my piece of  meat and I have the papers.Truth be told I was pissed off knowing he was sleeping with her. I guess being on the other side I couldn't take the heat! The one time my husband gives me sex the way I like it. We get interrupted and by that helfa. Things seem to have taking a turn.  I wanted out I was positive I did. Boom boom boom the banging continued. "Andre I need to talk to you"! She yelled. The sound of her voice rattled my flesh. Andre gets out of bed and throws on some clothes. Andre you better handle this and fast before I do. He turned and looked at me but how could you be mad though after what you did?! No telling how many of them dudes you sleeping with. "Baby it was just him!" I had to put on a pitiful face like I was sorry. He slammed the room door and went outside. I got up and went behind him to see what they was talking about.

What do you want? I heard him ask her. We need to talk it's important. She said. What's so important you couldn't wait till I came back to work to tell me. You come to my house where me and my wife live. Now what!? They stood there face to face and next thing I know he grabs her and kiss her. My mouth drops open and I started to run out there but I played it cool. I went back to my room and laid down. He don't know what's about to hit him.

Andre's P.o.v.
I was about to give my wife just what she was looking for. Truth was I been knew about her sleeping around I had hired one of my guys to watch her but I played the rolled as if I didn't know. I'm gone give her just what she looking for. Since knowing about her men I been messing around with Jessica at my job. I suspect Lori knows about her. In the midst of me about to take charge and give her the sex she wants a loud banging at the door and it sounded like Jessica. Andre I need to talk to you she was yelling. I saw the look on Lori's face when she heard her. On the inside I was smiling inside. She couldn't take it and I knew it. She wanted to sleep with all these men and think that there was no consequence. Oh but I'm playing the game she playing. When I went outside I yelled and  act like I was upset. I knew she was going to follow me and I knew she was looking out the window. I grabbed Jessica by her face and kissed her. I wanted her to hurt like I hurt I wanted Lori to feel how she made me feel. I been watching her for some time and I know the men she been sleeping with some was friends of mine.
She played around and lost my child. The say what goes around comes around well Lori had it coming. We took vows that said till death so us part and if she didn't want to commit to me she won't commit to no one.
The next day I went in to work early Jessica was there to meet me. Hey baby she said. Hey I missed you last night. How s my baby doing? I kissed her stomach and told her to take it easy. Just hold on baby a few more months and Lori will be out of my life. After seeing my wife sleeping with these men did something to my heart I was rage I wanted her to suffered I wanted her out of my life. I couldn't make her be faithful to me. Married for the wrong reasons. I know that now. Giving Lori what she wanted was my plan but in doing so I needed her to suffer I needed to destroy her.

Jessica's p.o.v
I didn't understand this couple but I was all about money. Pregnant with Andre's baby well so he thought! His wife had hired me months before he and I started to mess around. They both was paying but Andre didn't know his wife and I knew one another. I'm just doing what in told I'm playing the game. They don't seem to love one another and there trying to destroy each other. My husband Johnathan and I have it planned out. Yes Johnathan is my husband whom Lori seems to like the man Andre beat up. Soon or later my husband and I will come out on top!

Lori's P.o.v.
The next day I had to be to work early. I had shot a little text to Jessica to let her know where to meet me and our plans had change. He seem to really like Jessica maybe he  was actually in love with her. I knew a baby would do it. A baby was all he wanted and I didn't want to give him one. My husband had money yes but he was worth a whole lot and if he died I will get that money. When we married it was all schemes and games and now I just wanted him dead. How could he fall in love with her I hired her but not for him to fall for her. He don't look at me that way and he damn sure don't kiss me like that he never did. We got married for all the wrong reasons. We took vows till death do us part and that's what I was aiming for and after I'm done with Jessica she can disappear too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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