Chapter 12

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Amelia arrived at their meeting point 30min before the actual meeting. Any sound or movement gets her in her feet.

She is so restless searing in that cold night. The bench she is seating on is slightly wet because of the light drizzle.

Angie is so nervous driving. She nearly pumped into a car ahead of her. Few drivers from here and there blew their horns at her.

Once in a while she will glance at the back of the car seat to check if the baby is still there. He is still sleeping oblivious to the world around him.

Cindy and Isaac were having fun, some people where giving them disapproval looks because of the age gap.

"Common he is old in enough to be her father. How could she go out with him. She is just a plain whore." One brunette in a rose red dress whispered to her friend when Cindy and Isaac came to pass.
Horny guys where lusting after Cindy because of the dress she is wearing. Those who didn't know Isaac is Cindy's boyfriend openly flirted with her.

Isaac only glared at them and occasionally show his affection towards Cindy when thé flirting becomes unbearable.

One rich playboy billionaire is standing at the far corner of the room, eyeing Cindy like he wants to rip her of her dress.

Isaac is talking to some people and Cindy chatting with some of her friends. When Cindy and the billionaire made eye contact she winked at him.

Excused her self and headed to the bathroom. Isaac had an eagle eye on his date. She tilted her head indicating that she is going to the washroom.

Cindy did her business not knowing someone is waiting for her. Someone she thought she will never see again.

She played her card very well. Pretending not to know him, but she can't let go of the memories they had.

"Well! Well!! Well!!!, if it not Cindy then who else is it?" John the play boy billionaire said smiling fully showing full set of white teeth's.

Memories Cindy has tried to hurry came rushing back. She was sweating profusely. She cleaned her sweaty arms on her dress.

"What are you doing here?" Cindy asked looking at her feet.

"What do you mean by what I'm I doing here. I was invited to the party." John replied folding his muscular arms on his broad chest.

" I better go, my date is probably looking for me." Cindy tried moving pass her ex but to no avail.

"Not to fast pretty, you know i miss you so much." John sniffed Cindy's hair. Immediately he made skin contact with Cindy she nearly fell down.

John began to kiss Cindy around her neck to her low scoop neck line. She is a moaning mess.

Isaac was wondering what was keeping Cindy so long, but he can't just leave the person he is talking to.

Angie finally made it to the appointed place, but when she got there she didn't Amelia there. She got out of the car to check round but Amelia wasn't there.

She waited for five minutés and she nearly gave up when she saw a blond with hot coffee coming from across the street.

Angie immediately recognized the stiletto coming. She walked the few distance to get to Amelia.

"I thought you wouldn't show up, and I was so worried. I didn't even know what to do with the boy if you hadn't showed up. My boss would have killed me if I had showed up with the boy again." Angie rumbled on and on.

"Sorry, I waited for you getting to an hour and when you didn't come I decided to go and get my self some coffee." Amelia replied.

"Sorry I was late, it wasn't easy knocking down those goons of body guards." Angie explained as she took Amelia to the back of the car.

"There that your son" Angie said smiling down at Amelia who had tears in her eyes. Amelia bend down to kiss Chris on the forehead.

" can I stay the night at your place, first thing tomorrow will go back to my children. Angie hopefully asked.

Amelia took Angie to the hospital to meet the rest of the family. Amelia broke the good news to them about Chris returning.

Isaac furiously left the party when he saw Cindy kissing another guy. Cindy with tear faced eye followed Isaac to the house.

Not knowing what was awaiting them. James reported the case of finding his son and told them who stole him.

Isaac and Cindy where arrested and put on for trial. They where each jailed 15 years. Amelia and her family lived happily ever after.

The end.

Sorry guys I know the end has been rushed but I promise when I'm more relaxed I will rewrite the ending for now bear with me.

Thank you for reading my book. The journey is not over yet. Go check out my other books.

and you will love each one of them thank you.

You know you can all tell me how you wanted the end to be don't be shy common share your ideas with me.

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