03 | Whispers Of Him

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The sun is starting to sink down, casting a dim light over the bare trees and white sparkling mountains. The air is cold, invigorating.

I walk along a snow dusted path leading out of our little village and into the woods nearby. Large trees, somehow still full with leaves, form a circle around the clearing.

Aimee is standing against the shadowy tree line. A group of girls, none of which I've ever bothered to have a conversation with, are surrounding her. Their voices are low, kept in hushed tones that only signal one thing: gossip.

I perk my ears, listening in.

"I hear he's ruthless. A monster who's wolf is three times the size of any other Alpha," a petite, bleach blonde— Mya— whispers, her eyes wide for emphasis.

Her brunette friend shudders before giving her input. "They say he's an absolute beast. He goes out commits mass murder whenever he feels like it!" Suddenly she lowers her voice even more and it turns shaky, "God, what if he comes here? Who knows where the hell he is right now."

They all exchange wide eyed glances, looking to gauge each other's reactions.

Who the hell are they talking about? And why are they so jittery?

As I approach, a stick snaps under my heel. All of them jump, including Aimee who has seemed fearless for as long as I've known her. Mya even lets out a choked scream.

All of their eyes turn on me as if I were the devil come to claim their souls. Their faces ghostly pale and their mouths are agape.

"Goddamn it, you can't do that!" Mya shrieks at me, her face turning into an accusatory stare. Something about her tone cuts right through me.

I narrow my eyes and push my lips into a snarky pucker. "If you're so scared then why don't you go choke on something besides fear?"

She sucks in a sharp breath, taken aback. Maybe it was a bit too far, but I can't say that I'm sorry. Nathan has already frayed my nerves for the day. Mya's mouth gapes like a fish out of water as she tries to find her words.

"You know what, fuck you," she spits before storming off. The other four girls follow her off, scowling at me at they go.

I brush it off and turn my attention back to my best friend. Aimee remains standing with her back towards the trees.

"What was that all about?" I ask, walking up to her and pointing a thumb back at the group.

She isn't phased by the little scene she just saw between me and Mya. At one point she tried to teach me how to keep my inner thoughts inside. Needless to say, she never did succeed. Now she doesn't even pay attention to my lack of a filter as she raises an eyebrow, her forehead wrinkling.

"You haven't heard?"

I shake my head, furrowing my brow. I need to know what's going on. People gossip all the time, but never like this. Never with such fear.

"They call him the Exiled Alpha," she pauses in order to look up at the sky as it grows increasingly darker. "Shit, I have to go. I'm already running late."

Her sentences are rushed as she bends down to grab the strap of a purple backpack and heave it onto her back.

"Wait! What do you mean Exiled-"

Before I can finish she reaches out and grabs me firmly by the shoulders, looking me dead in the eye with such intensity that I feel paralyzed.

"Listen to me Adrienne," she squeezes my shoulders, speaking firmly, "I don't have time to explain right now, but just— don't go off into the woods by yourself. I know you like to, but don't. Stay near the pack. You understand?"

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