7. Protection

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"So this is the forest kings castle?" Damen stated as he looked around the room with awe. Melody stood in the doorway not daring to come in while Seally sat in the corner with a ticked off expression. I, in turn, smiled weakly at Damen as I tried to get him to sit down and stop analyzing everything.

"Yes it is." I said. "But, you know, you should really sit down. You are still injured."

"I am fine."

"Doesn't your arm hurt?"

"A little but I'm fine."

"And what about your head?"

"I said I'm fine."

"If you are fine then you can leave." Seally stated from his corner. "Humans arent supposed to be here."

"And who are you?" Asked Damen.

"Thats Seally. He's...a...um...friend, I think. And that guy over there is my brother Christian." I said as Christian timidly waved over at Damen while trying at the same time to pretend that he didn't have Damen's blood all over his hands.

"I'm going to go clean up." Christian said quickly as he left the room, nearly bumping into Melody on the way out as she stood silently in the doorway. As he left the sound of a loud bell chimed through the house causing everyone to stand stiff.

"Patty's here." Seally growled as he got up from his chair and went to the door. "Get him out of here, Y/n." He growled at me as he passed before disappearing out into the hall.

"Who's Patty?" Damen asked.

"Someone you probably shouldnt meet." I stated, slightly panicked, as I tried to rush him from the room and back out to the kitchen door.

"Why do I have to leave so quickly?" Damen asked. "Can't I stay a bit longer?"

"That would be very bad." I said as we made it to the kitchen where Christian was kneeled on the floor wiping up the blood. Just as we entered we were stopped as another person came in behind us. It was Patty's servant Arthur and he slowly looked over us with cold and calculating eyes.

"You brought a human here?" Arthur asked as he locked eyes with Damen and sort of glared him down.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

"Don't let Patty find out." Was Arthurs reaction. "God only knows what foul spells she would cast on him." And with that, he left the kitchen leaving me with Damen who looked at me with the most oddest expression.

"...was that a zombie?" Damen asked after a short pause.

"We prefer the term 'bone man' since he mostly just skin and bone with no flesh." I answered as I hurried him out the back door.

"Close your eyes." I instructed him and he looked at me like I was nuts.


"So you don't know where we are going. It would be bad for you if you knew the way here so close your eyes!"

Damen stared at me for a second before sighing and closing his eyes. With his eyes closed I walked him to the portal circle and pushed him through the portal before turning back and running for the castle.

"He will be fine." I mutter to myself as I reenter the kitchen where I find Patty pacing the floor with a very cold expression.

"I smell blood." She stated when she saw me. "Which one of you two bleed?" She looked me and Christian over and I awkwardly shyed away.

"You don't have to worry about that Patty." I said. "Nobody bleed."

"Somebody bleed! I can smell it."

Now here is something you need to know about Patty: Patty was fine with me and she was fine with Christian but she had a strange behavior when it came to other humans. To put a long story short, humans fascinated her. Especially the inner working of the human body with the muscles and the veins. She was a true witch in the way she liked to...dissect...unwitting travelers who stumbled into the forest. In fact I think she is one of the main reasons why humans (besides the messenger) don't enter the forest anymore.

"Who was here?" Patty asked again. "I can smell human blood and its not from either of you."

Melody entered the kitchen and wrapped her arm protectively around mine as Seally entered behind her.

"Will you please calm down." Seally ordered. "No one is here, and even if someone was it wouldnt have anything to do with you!"

"I hate it when you have fun without me!" Patty whined, her childish side shining through.

"I assure you it wasnt fun." Seally groaned.

"So you admit that someone was here?"

"I admit nothing!" Seally growled as he stormed out with Patty running after him at his heels.

"I'm going to go find something to clean the smell off the tiles." Christain stated as he left so only me and Melody were left behind.

"I should probably go help him." I said and I moved to leave but Melody's arm kept me held back. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Who was he?" She asked, a somewhat sullen tone in her voice.

"Who was who?"

"The boy. The human. Who was he?"

"That was Damen."

"...and who is Damen to you?"

"What do you-"

"What's your relationship?"

"We are friends." I pondered. "He's the current village messenger and he's really interested in what I do here in the castle. He also worries about me wandering around the woods on my own but that's just silly on his part."

"It's not silly. I also worry about you." Said Melody.

"You do?"

"You were attacked today, right? That's how he got injured, right?"

For a second I remained silent. To confirm what had happened would be to confirm all of Melody's fears about me leaving the house.

"It was fine." I stated. "I can protect myself."

"You dont have to. As long as you have Seally's protection nothing can harm you."

"Seallys what?" I ask.

"Seallys protection." Melody said and to prove her point, she picked up a kicthen knife off the table and threw it at me. I flinced and closed my eyes but the blade did not make contact and instead bounced off some sort of invisble forcefeld before clattering to the floor.

"That is Seally's protection." Melody said. "And as long as you have it nothng can hurt you."

Fantasy Forest 2 (Yandere boys x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें