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I placed my hand gently on Ariels Timmy, the feeling of the baby gently kicking making my own tummy flare up with butterflies, tears welled in my eyes and Ned laughed while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh god, Ivy's getting emotional!" Kieth yelled loudly and Ned hushed him.

"I just can't believe you're gonna pop a baby out, and I'm gonna be apart of that baby's life." I whispered and Eugene just stared at me with a slight smile.

"You'll be Auntie Ivy." Ariel whispered and I full on sobbed, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh my god I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm being like this. Let's just get onto the rest of the video." I said towards the camera that Zach was holding in his hands.

"Auntie Ivy, a precious soul that we love and appreciate." Zach whispered towards the camera and I rolled my eyes while crying my tears, we all finally walked into the house and started the video that wasn't me blubbering.

"Right guys. What the agenda?" I asked, thinking back to the last time I said that to them.

"We're gonna get dressed, take some pictures then get pisseddddddddd." Eugene explained and I shrugged and nodded.

"Seems pretty great. Y'all better be ready by 7:00 or we're not going!" I yelled sprinting into the house and straight to the bathroom. I left my hair naturally curly, put some light makeup on and ran to get changed. All the boys were panicking as the time was 7:30 so I hadn't give them much time.

I wore a t shirt dress and a pretty bra, a choker and added some rings also. I pulled on my ankle books and grabbed my purse and phone before quickly leaving the room and applying a little bit more lipgloss. The ringer of my phone caught me off guard and I jumped when it rang, but smiled wen I read the caller idea.

"Hey bub." I answered the phone and listened as Shane finished his yawn.

"Hey love, hows it going?" He asked and I looked around to where the rest of the boys were frantically getting changed.

"I'm the first one ready, as always" I added and he laughed at the other end of the phone.

"That is very true." He answered, I spoke with Shane for a few more minutes about the video we were doing in a few days, but when the boys started to come in, we said our goodbyes and I smirked at the four, handsome but sweaty guys.

"Y'all look a mess." I laughed and Zach shook his head.

"It's takes more than half an hour to look as beautiful as I normally do." He answered and I just laughed, nudging him a little. Once we were all ready, the camera was on and we were all standing in front of it.

"Okay so Ivy, our first location is for food, that's where we'll start drinking, then continue to drink for five bars after that." Keith said and I looked at them wide eyed.

"Do y'all want me dead?" I asked, all 4 boys shrugging. "Instead of dying at the hands of a demon, I'm dying at the hands of four idiots." I whispered jokingly, earning mixed reactions from my friends.

We Ubered our way to Hollywood Boulevard and I was happy as we sat down, the smell of food making me very happy. We all held our pre drinks up and toasted.

"To Ivy, who will struggle tomorrow." Keith announced and I laughed.

"To Ivy." All the boys said loudly, clinking their glasses together.

We finished out food and 6 pre drinks and I linked arms with Eugene as we walked to the first bar, I also filmed with my free hand.

"Okay so we're on our way to the first bar and I've already had 6 glasses of wine and can feel the effects setting in. Eugene how are you feeling?" I asked and he just looked at the camera seriously.

"Not drunk enough." He said and I just rolled my eyes and turned off my phone and slid it back into my clutch. Once we got into the bar, we found a small corner to call our own and ordered our first, of many, round of shots.

I danced with Zach as we both drank our Vodka and lemonades, completely loosing myself in the music I danced freely, letting myself go for the first time in a while. I laughed at Eugene as he totally got down, dancing drunkenly with some girl, before moving onto some guy.

The third bar was literally empty, so we used that to the best of our ability and got absolutely shit faced.

"Keithhhhhhhhh." I wined, dragging our Keith's name as I sipped a glass of water, deciding against drinking it.

"This, is the result of 1 bar and an empty bar. We have a drunken Ivy, who looks as if she is both, ready to get even more drunk and ready to go home." Keith said, pointing the camera in my direction.

"Shane if you're watching this. I love you!" I sang happily into the camera before looking to Ned who was really really dancing. "Next bar!" I yelled and they guys cheered as we made our way out of the empty bar and to our last destination, a club.

The music was blaring and I was on my 2nd vodka and lemonade of this bar when I decided that maybe it was time to go home, Keith was tiredly and drunkenly singing along to the song, while Zach and Ned leaned onto each other and Eugene and I were leaned against each other also.

"Let's go home lads." I yelled over the music, earning a very tried 'yay' from Keith. I shoved Keith, Ned and Zach info and Uber and they made their way back to Ned's where they were going to stay the night, while Eugene and I walked back to his place. Eugene had his hands on my shoulder and his head leaning on the top of my back as I guided us home for the night.

"So guys, the nights over. It's 2am and I'm fucking knackered. Eugene, how are you feeling?" I asked, lifting the camera up a little so I could show him.

"Like I want my bed and some water." He groaned and I just laughed drunkenly before putting the camera back on me.

"Gotta agree with him on that." I smiled and placed my phone back in my clutch and let Eugene open the door to his place. Once we were in, we both collapsed on the bed and were our like a light.

Ghosts// S.MTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang