10. Just A Child: Part I

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Atlas Arkinson was once convinced she could save everyone. 

Regardless of what it cost her, she would protect the sick and in need. It landed her in the Sky Box and subsequently landed her on Earth. Despite her own fears and shortcomings, she kept this mind set because of the people surrounding her. 

Nyah, the little girl who with every passing day became more like a daughter than a little sister. Zane, the little boy who was convinced that once civilization was up and running and they were older, he'd marry Nyah. 

Benson, a teen Atlas called her brother, who was learning how to be a medic and was a quick learner. Along with her childhood friends, Clarke and Wells, Atlas made new friends. 

From the girl she gave her freedom for, Octavia Blake to the spacewalker, Finn and the cannabis heads, Monty and Jasper. Somewhere along the way Bellamy Blake, a man she can't understand for the life her, came to mean something along with the majority of the 100.

Life was decent, until she left camp with two brave souls and was forced to watch them suffer. She was unable to save them. Trina and Pascal died slowly and all she had done was sit and watch. 

She was told herself no one else would die, that she'd get back to Nyah and the others and she'd focus on saving them, rather than wondering the forest for her plants. She was certain but that certainty was ripped only hours later. 

She was forced to watch Atom, a kind boy she had found to have a sense of humor larger than himself, suffering the same way Trina and Pascal had; from radiation in the form of yellow fog. He pleaded for death and this time, Atlas answered the call. 

She had never dreamed of taking a life, of becoming her mother, but in that moment; she understood. Death, sometimes, can be far kinder. 

Like a child, Atlas told herself Atom was the last, she wouldn't take a life and she'd be damned if she lost anyone else. Jasper, the boy who everyone thought would die, lived and for a brief moment Atlas believed things would be okay.

That was until the following morning. Atlas could still hear Clarke's pained screams. She could even still hear the shouting of Finn and herself. 

She had sprinted to the outskirts of the camp where she jerked Charlotte and Nyah away, shoving the girls into Benson and ordering him to take them and Zane away. When she drew closer, shouldering her way past a still grieving Octavia, she came to a stop. 

Lying on his side, with grayed skin and unseeing eyes, had been Wells. He was killed near the grave he had dug and buried Atom in the day before. It was sickening, to hear Clarke's cries as she sat at his side. Finn was crouched next to her, but failed to comfort her. 

No one had said anything. Not even when she and Murphy dug Wells grave, Bellamy eventually coming and helping; forcing her to stop as her hands had begun bleeding again. As they laid him to rest, no one spoke, not even Clarke whose eyes had dried.

Atlas hadn't grieved, she simply turned and left them behind, at the graveside of children far too young to die in the brutal ways they had. 

She returned to the medical tent, focusing on teaching Nyah and Benson while Zane left to help Monty, taking an interest in apparently trying to contact the Ark by way of the wristbands. Atlas didn't concern herself with that and for the following days she really only concerned herself with helping. 

Though, for all of her helping, her hands ached, not healing as they should as she never properly took time to rest. Bellamy had claimed it was the Grounders who killed Wells and instructed everyone able to build a wall surrounding the camp. 

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