Chapter 25 : Hurt me (BREATHE AGAIN)

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All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again

Breathe again,  Sara Bareilles (this song is really close to my heart. I request everyone to give it a hear. Thank you! )


Ever has it been that love knows not its own death until the hour of separation

-Kahlil Gibran


Past (3/4 years ago)
Long chapter. Sit back. And arrange tissues.


shut my locker and sighed, followed by a smile, knowing who's behind me.
" Hey beautiful ", he breathed into my neck. Tingles appeared and I closed my eyes.
" Someone's in a good mood. ", I giggled.
" Cause being you of course. ", Liam hugged back.
It's been one year and a few months now. But it all feels like it was yesterday. I'll never forget that Saturday. It was absolute bliss. Liam made me believe in love again. I'm in love. Again. I'm in love with Liam Anderson.
The bell rang and brought me out of my trance.
" See you in English? ", he asked.
" Of course. ", I smiled and he pecked my lips lightly.
I turned around and was immediately met by the infamous stink eye of Isabella. I rolled my eyes and minded my own business and entered French .

Time passed like a wind. My phone suddenly buzzed. I took it out and saw a text from Liam.
'You look beautiful ' . I blushed and looked down. This was probably in years, that someone made me smile like crazy and gave butterflies in my stomach. I entered the canteen and saw Liam waiting for me at our designated table.
" Hey you. " , I greeted.
" Hi beautiful. ", he smiled.
" Let's get the food first. I'm too hungry. "
" When are you not? "  , he laughed and I nudged him as I shook my head.

We got our food and came back to our seats. I dipped a fry into the sauce and was going to start a conversation when Satan showed up.

" Hey Liam. ", she squeaked.
" Umm,  hi Bella. ", Liam looked uncomfortable.
Yep, you guessed it right. They still talked and I always get put in an awkward place.

" So,  I hope you're coming to the party tonight. ", she chirped, " can't wait to see you two. Bye Liam. ", she smiled at me as well.

Oh please. Just drop that goody two shoes act! People can be so pretentious sometimes.

But I just smiled back. She left soon with her two minions and I turned towards Liam.

" What party? ", I said confused.

" I wanted to tell this to you as soon as possible, but I always got caught up in something. Isabella has arranged this party for our team's win last Friday, with her being the head cheerleader and all. ", he sighed, "but if you're uncomfortable we can just stay home. "

" No. Hey, it's okay, okay? All your friends are going to be there, and I don't want to hold you back or anything. You should go. I'll stay back. I'll just call in sick or something. ", I said.

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