Chapter 04

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When class ends I was about to go to Xiumin but he is already gone and I looked for the guys and saw them

"Where's Xiumin??" I ask

"I thought his with you" Sehun said

"No I also thought he is with you guys"I said

I heard some of my girl classmates talking to each other "Hey didn't you know Xiumin and Kim are dating??" The 1st girl said

"What! really? I thought Xiumin and Miya are dating?!" The 2nd girl said

"Keep quiet Miya is over there with the guys" the 1st girl said again

"No, Xiumin and Miya are only childhood friends so they look and act like real couples" the 3rd girl said

"What Xiumin and Kim are dating?? that can't be true right??" I ask the guys

"We don't know either,sorry Miy" Luhan said patting my back

"It's okay anyway let's go guys I'm getting hungry"I said holding my stomach

"Yeah us too" they all said and I could only do was laugh


I saw the other guys except Xiumin

"Hey have you seen Xiumin??" I ask while seating beside the window with Kai

"No Miy,why?" Kai ask

"Nothing" I answered

When I look outside the window I saw a familiar face it's Xiumin

"Xiu-" I shouted but a girl approaches him then I realized the girl was Kim

Suddenly Kim hugged Xiumin and I accidentally drop my chopped stick

"What??"I said loud enough for Kai to hear

"What's wrong Miy?" Kai said

But I couldn't move my mouth to say 'I'm okay'

Why am I like this is it really true that Xiumin and Kim are couples?

I should be happy for Xiumin but why do I feel so sad and angry is it because Xiumin's girlfriend is Kim or is it because Xiumin will have no time for the guys and even for me

Why? why can't say does simple words to answer Kai why can't I get over it Xiumin having Kim as his girlfriend I can't take it anymore

Suddenly I felt tears falling through my cheeks I got up from my chair when suddenly Kai grab my hand

"I'm coming with you" Kai said seriously still holding my hand

"You don't need to Kai" I said holding my tears as long as I can but then Kai said to the guys

"Guys I'm just going to accompany Miy to her classroom" he said still holding my hand
"You don't need t-" I said but was cut off by Suho


"But Suho?"

"We all know you were shocked of what happened, seeing Xiumin with Kim and we know that she doesn't like you and the injury you have, you have been so stressful this past few days so you need to rest"said Suho patting my shoulder

"Yeah Miy you should rest!" Said the rest of the guys

"Okay we'll be going know" Kai said pulling my hand

I realized tears flowing down through my cheeks and realized that Kai didn't bring me to my classroom instead he brought to the rooftop

"What are we doing here" I asked still crying
"Go you can let your feelings out in here there are no people here in this time" Kai said still holding my hand suddenly he pushed my back

I felt my tears flowing unstoppable I didn't realized I was walking towards a wall and starts punching it that my fingers starts to bleed suddenly Kai came and hug me from behind stopping me to punch the wall when I finally stop I immediately sit down on the floor still with Kai hugging from behind

"Stop, you're hurting yourself we don't want to see you hurting yourself" Kai said with a worried tone

"I'm sorry,I'm so selfish to you guys-" I said then I was interrupted

"You're not selfish actually you are kind and sweet to us even to people you don't know" when I look up it was D.O and the guys and some of them are crying because they saw my fingers bleeding

"Guys,come here" I said motioning them for a group hug while they were walking Kai  help me to stand up when I finally got up the guys hug me while the others are crying while hugging me sometimes I just want to be with them forever but I also want Xiumin to be with us even he has Kim as her girlfriend

"The nurse need to tend you fingers and rest for a while because you have been in to much stress is it okay with you?" Kris ask

"It's okay but please don't tell Xiumin okay?" I said then all of the guys look at each other before answering then

"Okay we promise not to tell Xiumin all that happened today" all of them at the same time raising there right hand suddenly my vision gone black

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