Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Diomed charged back to camp.

Stopping for nothing in his path, Diomed pushed the thoughts of Frieda, injured, from his mind.

If they were to save them, Diomed had to move swiftly.

* * *

Pompeia strode through her palace with a purpose.

Holding the train of her blue silk gown off the ground, her blond curls bounced against her shoulders as she swayed down the corridor and headed for the senate.

Entering the hall, her face poised for politics, Pompeia was thrown for a moment when not a single soul acknowledged her entrance.

Her cheeks grew crimson with outrage and her eyes widened at their intentional act of defiance.

The guard who had escorted Pompeia through her marble halls stepped forward as he laid his eyes upon the behaviour of the senate, his fingers curled around the hilt of his sword.

At that moment, Senator Germanus turned from his group of fellow senators and gave a little start at seeing her stood before them.

Locking her eyes with Senator Germanus, Pompeia raised her hand and halted the guard, letting the senator know the power she wielded.

Keeping his gaze, Pompeia waited for the guard to step back into place before she walked forward and made her address.

“Gratitude, my dear Senate, for attending my invitation,” Pompeia looked at each of the men’s face in turn, their eyes watching her with clouded intentions.

“You called this gathering, Empress,” Senator Germanus spoke for the masses, his eyes unshrouded by her beauty.

“And you shall not be disappointed,” Pompeia gave Germanus a smile, unable to hide her excitement as she turned and paced the width of the hall, “As we speak, my men are returning to Rome.”

A low buzz of mutual excitement started to stir within the senate but Germanus kept his face closed to emotion.

“You have surrendered to the Gladiatrix?” Senator Otho lurched forward, the hope in his eyes making Pompeia narrow in disdain at the small man.

“No, Senator,” Pompeia tilted her head, she had no intention of surrendering to those barbarians.

But even as she said the words, Pompeia could feel the rejoice that had filled the air rescind. Pompeia realised then that the Senate did not agree with this war.

“My men are returning with two of the Gladiatrixes generals, the Champion of Greek,” Pompeia’s thoughts turned to Artorius, “And the whore of Britannia, Frieda.”

Senator Germanus stepped forward, his hand clasped in front of his stomach, “Celebration should be due for this victory,”

Pompeia nodded her head in recognition of his offering.

“What does the Empress of Rome,” Germanus hoped hearing her full title would inject some clear-thinking into her thoughts, “wish to do with her captives of war?”

Pompeia’s eyes glinted as she stepped past him and addressed the senate, her voice filling the hall, “Prepare the arena and every gladiator in the provinces. We shall have games.”

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now