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Prussia raced up the steps of the house and ran to the kitchen. He HAD to have something to eat or he would die before he even got there...well where ever there was. Prussia ripped open the fridge and took out some meatballs and cheese. He also went to the cabinet to get some bread. A few seconds later, WHOLA a meatball sandwich was born!

Looking around to make sure no one was there Prussia sneaked one of his brother's beers. Hehe he wouldn't mind or notice, if he did then to bad! It had a good life in the cellar anyways.

After he had consumed the meatball sandwich in one bite Prussia started gulping down the beer. He was in peaceful bliss until a tapping could be felt on his shoulder. Prussia turned around and was like OH MY GOD *nosebleed*. A very, very hot chick was standing in front of him. She was wearing a short leather skin dress and a bow was strapped over her shoulders. Her hair was the color of the blackest night, plus it looked like it was the silkiest material in the world. She stared down at him (yes stared down, she was taller to his disappointment) with clear blue sky eyes that shined beautifully. Her brown tan lips that matched her brown tan skin started to move.

"Kingdom of Prussia, older brother of Germany. I need your help."


"What have you analyzed from our guest, sister?"

Russia stood in front of a giant computer screen with a control panel located at the bottom. The person operating the panel was none other then Ukraine, who was helping to try to make her brother happy. The screen displayed lots of data collected from their most recent experiment and observations. Ukraine turned to her brother.

"Since the project was a fail (A.N: see ch 5) I have taken samples of Alfred's brain DNA from the test and..."

"And what?"

She pause,"...he seems to have another personality inhabiting him. If something is not done this personality will completely take over.

Russia ran a hand over his face. Great now another setback. He thought for a moment, 'what if this could actually be a good thing?' That made him wonder.

"Sister what is known about this second personality?" Ukraine fidgeted, she did not want to do this. She was kinda friends with America and the ones he had locked in his prison. She stared Russia in the eye, no she had to help him. It would make the would a better place. Or so he said.

"Um w-well I know it was created when you ran and failed the last test. When you put the formula in Alfred's brain it was supposed to help ready the process of ridding his mind of all memories. Instead though it created another personality, one that has almost your...well personality and it trust you ."

Russia paused and let the information sink in. So, this could actually be a good thing. He smiled deviously, yes it was good. It was perfect! He just had to keep making the small steps it took and soon maybe just maybe he could lead America on those same steps. Russia spun around and headed out of the room and down the hall.

"Wait brother, where are you going I have something to infor-"

"Not now sister, I have important work to do." He stormed down the hall and was out of sight. Ukraine sighed, her brother wouldn't listen. She walked back to the computer and scanned the readings. She gasped, oh no!

'Possible side effects of new personality: Includes hallucinations, extreme violence, and insanity.'

Ukraine's heart raced. This was bad, this was very bad! Suddenly the alarm went off.

Warning, Warning! Intruder alert, Intruder alert!

Something was way off about this situation.


'Just relax and give in. I can make it all better.'

The voice was back in his dreams. It tried to persuade him and tempt him, but nothing had worked so far (key word is so far).

'No more worries, no more stress. I can help you.'

It made him wonder about his own sanity. Was it really all worth it? Should he really give in?

'I can make all the hurt go away. Just let me have control.'

No, no, NO! He would fight it.

'But for how long young one can you fight me?'

America trembled in his sleep. The nightmares, the voices. It was all to much.

'Let me.'

America's eyes shot open. But they were not his usual light sky blue.

They were blood red.

Russian BrainwashingWhere stories live. Discover now