chapter eleven

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THE FOLLOWING NIGHT my parents are already sitting with Wren and his wife, Layla when I get to the restaurant. My lips curling up into a big smile when my dad stands from his seat to greet me, opening his arms to pull me into a tight bear hug. The familiar scent of oak filling my nose, reminding me of home and the hours I spent in his clinic working the front desk.

"There's my girl!" he says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Hi Dad," I say and lean onto my toes, holding him closely before greeting my mom with a kiss on the cheek. "Hi Mama," I say as I unbutton my coat, folding it over the back of my chair before leaning over the back of Wren's chair to give him a hug. I give him a tight squeeze, and then do the same with Layla before settling into my chair at the end of the table.

"How's work, sweetheart?" Mom asks me, twirling a piece of her blonde hair around the tip of her finger. Her bright blue eyes matching mine. Growing up, everyone always said I was the spitting image of my mother. I used to hate it, until I realized what a compliment it was to be compared to the strongest woman I know.

"It's been busy," I say with a smile. "But it's good," I tell her before shifting my gaze to Wren and Layla. "So... what's the big news?"

"Right to it, huh?" Wren asks with a small chuckle.

"I'm curious to know myself," Dad says, folding his hands over the edge of the table. The warmth in his eyes contagious as he leans forward with a raised eyebrow.

Wren chuckles and sits up as he takes Layla's hand, resting their tangled hands in her lap. "As you know, my residency is wrapping up and we've been talking a lot about where we wanted to end up that would be best for both of us," he explains. "I was applying around for a fellowship, and I got offered a really great one for cardio in Arizona."

"What?" I gasp. "Wren, that's wonderful!"

"That's big," Dad says. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, we are," Wren says with a nod. "It won't be until the new year once I finish up my residency, but Layla's found a great office to work out of, too. And it's only a fellowship. We might end up back in New York in a few years."

My lips curl up at the pride written on Layla's face as she grins at him. The two met in their first year of university and got married between graduating their undergrads and pursing higher education with Wren going on to seek his M.D. while Layla focused on obtaining her PsyD. They are two of the smartest people I know and perfectly made for each other.

I used to be jealous of them and it wasn't until I had finally ended things with Charlie that I realized it was because they had everything I wanted. The way that Layla supports Wren unconditionally was something I never had. And then just as I thought I had freed myself of him, Luke creeps back into my thoughts. I've gone a whole day without seeing him, and I was foolish to think that meant that I wouldn't think about him again.

"Em, honey," Dad says, resting his hand on my forearm to get my attention.

My cheeks flush as I turn my head, realizing I've missed a part of the conversation. When I realize that conversation includes a bottle of wine, and Charlie and his dad, I immediately regret letting myself daydream. "Oh."

"Hey Em," Charlie says with his business smile. The smile that blinds people from seeing who he really is. He uses it a lot when he's around my family, especially since the break-up. Growing up in a small town, it's hard to get away from each other when it comes to family things. My parents and his being good friends, and our break-up has only made things worse.

It's like they spend more time together now than they ever did when we were together.

"Hey." I swallow as I sit up a little straighter.

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