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Now it was you who lunged for him.

You've never hit anyone like this before, but boy did you hit hard. Yoongi stumbled back after your fist had collided with his face. His eyes found yours. They showed first shock, then in a split second they changed. The rage was back.

He went to push you, but you'd sensed it coming so you stepped aside. But by trying to avoid Yoongis push you stumbled.

Why, oh why would you strike now, clumsiness?!

The first thing you felt was your face hitting something hard, and then the back of your head also hit something hard. You felt the air leave your lungs. You think Yoongi yelled something, but all you could focus on was how everything hurt.

It hurt. It hurt so much.

The next minutes were blurry and the last thing your remember seeing was Yoongis face, completely in shock again, as you felt yourself getting swallowed up by the darkness.

Had he seen anything more than you passing out?


You woke up somewhere unfamiliar. The walls were painted in a light blue shade with a white ceiling. You laid on a...

Hospital bed? What?!

You quickly sat up, which was a really bad idea.

"Woah, woah, easy there!" Hands touched your arm, laying you carefully down again.

"Jin?" You questioned.

"Yes. It's me. What happened? I'd like to hear your version of the story as well." Jin turned his head to the right, at him.

Yoongis eye was covered in purple and blue marks. Bruises.

Everything came back to you, the way up to the school roof, how you've been locked up there with Yoongi and then... punched him. And how shocked he'd looked when you were passing out...

In a very weird way you felt kinda proud of your accomplishment. But mostly guilty. It must've hurt! How long will it take for the busies to disappear? And how is- as your thoughts had wondered off the room had fallen silent. Jin cleared his throat. You turned back to him.

"Your part of the story?" The look he gave you reminded you of your mom when she knew you've done something wrong and wanted you to admit it yourself.

So you told Jin what had happened up till when out passed out.

But you left out a big detail. That strange feeling, you didn't feel comfortable telling anyone about it. Not yet at least.

"I don't remember what happened after, only that I'm here now. Maybe you could fill me in?" The question was directed to Yoongi.

"Uh.. yeah. Sure. After you so clumsily hit your face on the door, fell and passed out, I told Jin that he had to open the door... and uh, then I carried you down here."

What? He carried you to the nurses? From the roof? Down all of those stairs??

You could not believe it.

ENEMIES || Yoongi x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن