30. Secrets

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The rainbow-colored plant radiated a bright glow before losing all of its colors. It was so bright which attracted the attention of all the disciples in the area. Ai Jin almost let go of the basket she was holding.

The grandmaster felt a bad premonition. Then, the disciples saw a figure of a large creature walking towards the tournament grounds. The creature had a huge body and four legs. Its tail was long as well as its neck. It also had a horn on its forehead and huge wings; a man with a mask covering his face was on top of it.

Father? Ai Jin stood frozen. Why did you come here? Her face almost lost all of its colors and she gripped the basket tighter to prevent her hands from trembling. Her heart was beating faster while looking at the large creature walking towards them.

Then, she saw a sharp circular wind blade in the grandmaster's left hand while looking at the approaching figure without a change of expression.

The other disciples were also preparing themselves to fight. Wei Shun who was standing next to Yu Zeng tightened his fist under his robes and hatefully glared at the person who suddenly appeared. The person who destroyed his home and took away the lives not only of his parents but also the lives of the other people he cared for. His gaze shifted to Yu Zeng who was also looking at the man. I will protect you, big brother Yu Zeng. Wei Shun thought and took a deep breath. Although my current level may not be enough, I will do my very best to protect the people I cared for, hoping that I won't lose them again.

Wei Shun was about to take a step forward when suddenly Heng Guiying who was standing next to Yu Zeng stood in front of them as if trying to shield Yu Zeng and Wei Shun from any danger that might come on their way. I will protect you Yu Zeng and Wei Shun. Heng Guiying looked around and saw the other disciples summoning their elements.

Ai Jin immediately summoned her fire phoenix and pretended to stand on guard as if ready to attack the man on top of the large creature. Father, are you here to ruin everything I worked hard for? Her emerald eyes showed contempt towards the man who was only a few steps away from the stadium.

"Why are you here?" The grandmaster's voice was neither loud nor soft. It was just enough for the other party to hear.

Do they know each other? Ai Jin looked at them with confusion.

"Why? Didn't you miss me?" The other man said in a mocking voice but there was a hint of sadness in his golden eyes.

Zhou Zhihao didn't answer but just attacked the man. Large sharp wind blades flew towards the man's direction which he easily avoided by disappearing along with the large creature he was riding and appearing in front of the grandmaster again while taking off his mask and burning it into ashes.

He Shui. The grandmaster with another circular wind blade in his hand thought of the name of the person who would always occupy a special place in his heart. He looked at the man in front of him and he remembered the time he fought with him many years ago.

At that time, Zhou Zhihao was standing in the forest close to the sect. Dark clouds were gradually forming in the sky slowly covering the sun, making the atmosphere in the place gloomy. This is the place I last saw him before entering the forest and before eating the elemental fruit. He sensed a familiar presence behind him and turned around. He looked at the person he always wanted to see but didn't expect that the other man would change so much after escaping death's door and leaving the sect.

Although the man was wearing a mask, Zhou Zhihao could still recognize those golden eyes that no longer showed gentleness while looking at him. The other man remained silent as he stared at Zhou Zhihao with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"Don't think that I don't know what you did in The Valley of Life." Zhou Zhihao's voice was as cold as ice as he recalled what he saw when he tried to help the people living in that place but it was too late as what greeted him were the burning houses, and what shocked him, even more, was a man riding on top of a large creature standing in the place, the man who was once part of his life whom he once shared all his worries and happiness. Although the other man was wearing a mask, Zhou Zhihao could still tell that the man was He Shui. He wanted to confront him but before he could fly towards the man, the other man vanished out of thin air. He realized that the man with whom he shared happy memories in the past no longer exist.

"I just did that so that no other people would suffer the same fate as I did. The people living in The Valley of Life were cultivating elemental fruit." He Shui said in an unfaltering voice and took a step closer towards Zhou Zhihao but the other man distanced himself away from him which broke his heart even more.

"You don't have to end those innocent lives." Zhou Zhihao clenched his fist.

He Shui smiled bitterly and didn't refute his words. He Shui took a step closer towards Zhou Zhihao but the other man walked two steps backward away from him while holding a circular wind blade with sharp edges in his left hand.

I did all I could to gain power in exchange for my soul so that I can return by your side and we can be together again but is this your way of saying that you no longer want me? He Shui tried to suppress the burning desire he felt towards the person in front of him.

Zhou Zhihao, I didn't know what to do after leaving the sect. I tried to forget you. I met a woman who helped me but she just helped me because of my looks. So, I decided to wear a mask to hide this face. I left her but I didn't expect that we would have a son. After that, I met another woman but she just wanted me for my strength.

Zhou Zhihao threw a wind blade towards He Shui, pulling the other person back to reality. He Shui stopped it using a ball of fire, as a result, some of the fire scattered causing the surrounding plants to burn.

After what I experienced and meeting all those people, I realize that I still want you in my life so I come here but it seems you no longer want me. He Shui summoned a fire dragon and rode on top of it, heading towards Zhou Zhihao but the other man tried to destroy the fire dragon causing the fire to scatter in the area.

He Shui looked around the place which was a place full of their memories together slowly eaten by fire. His gaze shifted to Zhou Zhihao who was wearing a cold expression on his face.

He Shui's heart which was filled with strong desire was slowly covered with frost living only a tiny flame at its center trying to protect it from dying but for how long?

"We will meet again" He Shui flew away while riding another fire dragon.

Zhou Zhihao wanted to follow but before he could go after him, He Shui was no longer in sight. A single tear fell from the corner of Zhou Zhihao's eye and immediately vanished.

You are no longer the He Shui I knew and loved. You have become a different man.

The grandmaster was pulled back to the present when a fire phoenix suddenly attacked the man standing in front of him.

He Shui coldly looked at the person behind Zhou Zhihao. "You dared to attack me."

(... to be continued.)


... reviews are welcome! ^^

Author's notes:

Thanks for reading! 💕 Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for your comments and for subscribing. 🥰

Spoiler for the next chapter:

Yu Zeng couldn't believe what he heard. If you truly cared for someone, you won't try to harm them and you would do everything to keep them safe.

Feel free to check my other stories. 💕

Entering Daybreak [BL/Danmei] √Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant