Early Awakenings

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Celestia awoke the next morning at around 4 AM. She couldn't explain what had awoken her, but something felt off. Slowly she propped herself up on her elbows and turned around. Her hand flew to her chest and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Sherlock's tall figure leaning over her impatiently. "Sherlock! Don't do that to me!" she said with a gasp.

He leaned back on his heels and crossed his arms over his chest. "Just be glad I didn't wake you up when I first figured it out. I have exercised the utmost patience I am capable of, you should be thanking me."

Celestia ignored the last remark as she pulled herself into a seated position. She felt stiff from sleeping in her clothes. "Wait, did you say you figured something out? What was it?" she questioned.

"The message, I know where he's going to be next."

She looked up at him expectantly, excited and surprised that he had already deciphered the code and understood the meaning of it. The dull grey light that was beginning to shine through the window cast shadows over his face, making his already sharp features even more distinct. "Well what is it?" she demanded, jumping up to stand next to him, excited and wide awake... and nervous, she had to admit that.

"We have to leave now, it's at least two hours from here, outside of London."

"What is, Sherlock? Where are we going?!"

Silently he handed the now decoded letter to her and her colorless eyes quickly skimmed the paper. "So we're going to a vineyard... How do you know which one he's talking about, and furthermore there's no time specified, how will we know he'll be there when we are, or when I am I should say." The last part was mumbled, an eye roll accompanying her annoyed tone.

"Naturally it's the vineyard that supplied the grapes for the company we just had the misfortune of visiting, and I may as well be blunt. One way or another our stalker is keeping tabs on you and can track your every move-"

"Have you checked for bugs?" she interrupted in a barely audible whisper, her eyes already sweeping over the room, narrowing in concentration.

"Yes, I took that opportunity while you slept the day away."


"Nothing, we're free to talk in here at least, I don't think even he could have anticipated that you would stay here"

Celestia nodded in relief, still wary but thankful for the privacy.

"So I suppose you have a plan and I won't be going in alone," she stated, studying the look on Sherlock's face.

"No, of course not. I've spoken to John who insists on coming along too and, I quote, 'keeping us out of trouble'. We have to make it appear as though you're alone, but we'll be outside if anything happens."

"So I'll be going alone into a possible death trap with a stalker who wants me dead," she summarized briefly, a fake smile spread across her face.

At that moment John entered the room, deathly quiet, and stood in between Celestia and Sherlock. "You can't be serious," he told the detective. "You don't have to do this if you don't want Celeste; we can figure something else out or-"

She interrupted raising a finger to her lips in thought. "No, I shall go. I'd like to have this all out in the open and if that means risking my safety, so be it. I can't hide forever." That shut the doctor up.

"We leave as soon as you're ready," Sherlock declared, marching out of her bedroom with John at his heels.

"Oh! Celeste?" John called back after a moment. "I stopped by the hotel." He appeared in the doorway with two huge suitcases, obviously struggling with their weight. He dropped them with a smile. "Hope you don't mind I used the key from the envelope," he said sheepishly.

"Not at all, thank you ever so much John!" Her eyes lit up and she pulled the doctor into a quick embrace before retreating into the room once more.

Quickly, she pulled a pair of black jeans on and donned a grey, form fitting, long sleeve shirt. She abandoned her heeled boots for a pair of lace up ones, stylish but sturdy and resembling combat boots. She went to the bathroom and stared at her disheveled self for a moment, before ripping through her styled hair with a brush and pulling it into a tight twist on the top of her head. Her makeup was smudged and she scrubbed the layers off, leaving her skin soft and glowing. Celeste decided not to bother with reapplying anything and rushed downstairs, after brushing her teeth, looking quite ordinary.

"Let's go!" she called as she pulled a simple brown jacket on and rushed towards the door.

Sherlock paused a minute, taking in her new appearance. She was dressed nicely, but she didn't appear near as influential and her red-brown hair was pulled away from her features that now appeared delicate with the absence of makeup. Her skin was still clear and void of imperfections, but she looked almost younger, if that was even possible.

He turned around, grabbing his coat and scarf and threw the door open before turning his head back. "Details in the cab."

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