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Sulking into the darkness Lola watches her chance of ejaculation slowly slither away. She briefly wonders why she's letting this guy escape her, just to continue a conversation with a stranger?

Nevertheless Lola puts the sticky phone back to her ear to continue this oh so important talk.

"You still didn't tell me why princess was verbally abusing you." It's somehow darker outside, the night air pushing against the four walled protection.

Our contract was up. Not to mention she thinks I fucked her friend. Which I did but that doesn't concern her.

Lola finds herself furrowing her brows and staring at the flickering street light in confusion. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Lola voices her confusion.

"You had a contract with your girlfriend? Um, I'm Lola by the way..." It's a horrible time to introduce herself but Lola isn't one to use speech filters.

You'll find out soon enough kitten. And that's a horrible name, Lola. It's too sexual for a girl like you. He figured it was a lie because his voice had somehow gotten huskier, deeper with the image of who Lola could be.

And Lola had somehow gotten warmer, wetter just from the way he said her name.

Cocking her head to the side Lola asks,"What do you know about sex? From what I hear princess wouldn't put out for you."

Well aren't you just full of jokes tonight. I think it's the pent up sexual frustration shining through. Somehow Harrys eyes had closed, and he didn't realize he was drifting further and further into Lola until it was too late. Not even the night time chill that slithered up his back could have taken him out of this state.

"Well I'm sure you know all about sexual frustration."

Lola smiled and placed her head against the cool glass of the booth. What am I getting myself into she wonders. Lola wasn't a good girl and based on what she heard so far Harry was not a good boy, so why did she feel as if she was doing something wrong almost corrupting the boy on the other end of the line?

I'll just ignore that kitten. You forgot to ask what kind of girl I think you are.

No Harry was definitely not a good boy. Not with the way he called this stranger named Lola kitten already. Not with the way his lips curved into a smirk as he listened to the slow release of air through the phone line. And definitely not with the way he made Lola clench her thighs as she stood in the phone booth eyes wide and back pressed against one wall.

"I don't like pet names," Lola was able to mumble through her plump pink lips.

Well I'm sure you do now kitten. I can hear it in your voice. Now, are you going to ask-

"What kind of girl do you think I am?" The question holds a form of innocence to it. Almost like it's something a girl with morals would say. But this is Lola and Lola is a bad girl with no morals.

Harrys eyes are open now and his gaze is no longer on his ceiling, no now it's on the bulge growing in his pants. He sighs before answering in a slow soft voice.

You Lola are the type of girl to tease a poor guy like me. You put up this innocent front in order to get what you want but we all know its the dirty girls who get all their desires. And you figured that out so I'm guessing that since it's summer you're travelling around using the excuse of finding yourself to be a naughty girl.

Lola is floored. Not only is Harry right, he was able to make the wetness between her thighs increase drastically. The plump bottom lip that was hanging in shock during Harrys rant is pulled between her teeth. Lola needs to quickly gain back control.

"You're right Harry. But sadly not completely spot on. Sure I'm a naughty girl with a box of condoms packed in my suitcase but you failed to mention how determined I am to get as many cöcks in me as I can. Where are you right now Harry? You made me pass up one opportunity the least you could do is give me another."

Lola no longer cares. She is now determined to make this boy squirm. Who says she can't have fun while doing it?

Don't bullshit me kitten. I want you so bad right now and I don't even know what you look like.

"Isn't that all apart of the thrill baby? Get a stranger as wet and needy as you can and see where it goes from there?" Even as she reminds herself that this is all a game, Lola's resolve slowly starts to disappear. She realizes she's off the deep end as she feels her bare shoulder come in contact with the chilled glass of the booth. Lola is leaned against the glass, sticky phone in right hand and heart in another.

I want you to do something for me kitten.

Harry needs this. He needs this distraction and the beautiful girl on the other end of the phone is going to give it to him. Cöck throbbing and dignity out the window Harry begins what he will soon realize is the craziest and the best thing to ever happen to him.

Close your eyes kitten. You're about to put that literature degree to work.

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