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Lorena watched as he pulled a kit out of the cabinet in the kitchen, along with a bottle of whiskey before sitting beside her. She glared at him as he grabbed her leg and pulled it up into his lap. He wanted to ignore that glare, but she was basically burning holes though the top of his head as he was working on her leg, so he decided to make conversation.

"On a scale of one to ten-"

"Eleven. Only because the knowledge that you won't leave me alone afterwards adds to the pain."

He smiled. "Very childish, aren't you?"

She immediately became defensive, crossing her arms. "Extremely rich coming from a man who won't take no for an answer, very much like a four year old. You're extremely stubborn."

He hummed in agreement, pouring some of the whiskey onto her leg and pressing a cloth to it, making her scream in pain. "Guess we have something in common then," he murmured.

Lorena was still hissing from the pain, trying to keep still as he dressed her wound. She bit down on her lip so hard she could taste blood. How deep had she gotten cut anyways? The pain was excruciating, but after he cleaned it off, if subsided a little.

"Here," he moved his nimble fingers from the wrap he was putting around her leg and picked up the whiskey bottle, pushing it towards her chest. "Drink. It takes the edge off."

Lorena sniffed the bottle before looking inside. She had never gotten her hands on whiskey before, and it smelled different from all of the other alcoholic beverages she'd tried. She decided to just get it over with and she pressed it to her lips, gulping it down, and unfortunately, choking.

Orion looked up at her with concern and he pulled her into a sitting position so she could get some air. "You've never had alcohol before? It's not water, you can't drink it like that." He reaches over to take the bottle from her, but she slapped his hand away, snatching it up and pressing it to her lips once more. She started to drink, carefully this time, letting the dull burn roll down her throat. It didn't taste the best, but something told her that wasn't the point of most alcohol anyways.

She placed the bottle into her lap and smirked at the dumbfounded look on his face. "I've had alcohol before. And I know it's not like water. I'm not an idiot." She sat back as he put the finishing touches on her leg and she looked at the bandages. He did pretty well. The pain had decreased significantly, and she was feeling much better.

He packed the kit up and grabbed the remainder of the whiskey, covering it up and walking into the kitchen area to put it all away. Before she could get up off of the couch, he came back and sat across the room from her. "I wouldn't put any weight on it until later tomorrow. Even though you're an omega, you should be healed by then."

She rolled her eyes at the fact the he brought up her being an omega all of the time. She knew how her body worked and didn't need for anyone to let her know. "Thanks."

Orion smiled softly at her. "You're very welcome." He sighed and sat back on the couch, grabbing a blanket. "We'll save our hunt until then."

"Excuse me, hunt?" This was news to her.

"Yes. We have no food, so we have to hunt for it."

She scoffed. "I'll never go hunting with you. Or anywhere else for that matter."

Orion nodded. "Right. Well, you don't have a choice. You're my mate now, and as my Luna, you're supposed to help me."

She was seething with anger again, and she would've been angrier if the whiskey she had consumed wasn't putting a damper on her emotions. "You can't make me do anything against my will. I don't want to be your mate, and I don't want to carry your pups. And I won't."

He was angrier than she was, if that was even possible. He had put all of that work in to have her, and she was going to be with him, no matter what she said. If he had to get mean and irrational, so be it.

He stormed over to her and pulled her off of the couch, holding her weight so that she wouldn't be standing on her injured leg. She struggled, wide eyed, trying to get away. She knew he was about to do something she wouldn't like, but she didn't know exactly what it was.

She watched his canines extend and she screamed. "Get off of me! Stop!"

He ignored her pleas and scraped her neck with his sharp teeth, sending shivers throughout her body. She shut her eyes tightly. "Are you going to comply willingly, little one?"

Lorena weighed her options. If she gave in now, maybe he would save this for later and give her time to consent to it. But that would also mean she lost the war.

If she said no, then he would mark her anyways, but at least she was somewhat in control here.

She was shaking like a leaf, and she was sweating both from the pain in her leg and the fear, but she held her ground.

"Fuck you."

She felt his canines dig into her skin before finally piercing that tender area and drawing blood. She screamed as if she were being murdered, and to her, it definitely felt that way. The second his canines were in, she felt what could only be described as the burn of wildfire rolling through her veins. It was so painful she gripped onto him for support, trying to get through it without breaking down, but that didn't last long.

She started sobbing. "Alpha, please..."

He slowly retracted his fangs when he was finished, licking the wound so that it would heal faster and so that the blood flow would stop. He placed her back on the couch gently, standing over her.

He crossed his arms. "It comes with a terrible burning pain at first and then feverish symptoms, but hopefully you'll live." He went to sit down on the couch on the opposite side of the room and watched her as she writhed around on the couch in pain that she wished she could understand. "I know that this situation isn't ideal for you, but it isn't about you or what you want anymore, and as soon as you realize that, the easier things will be for the both of us."

Lorena wanted to scream curses at him or attack him or do something but her body wouldn't allow her to do anything but go through the pain. She was reduced to a screaming, sobbing mess and she was embarrassed. She was being weak, and that meant that he would try and take care of her, but she didn't want that. Not in the least.

After what felt like fifteen to thirty minutes of excruciating pain, she started slipping into a deep sleep.

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