Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Enjoy reading! <3

Emily's POV

A few days had passed with daniel being in the hospital. His closed ones were visiting him so much and I even got the chance to meet a few of his friends. They all were polite. People were sending bouquets for him. There was so many.

He was showing signs of improvement thankfully. He still wasn't talking to me. But I could understand. He needs time. It hurt like hell to see him this way but I couldn't do anything.

He uses sticks to walk due to his leg's operation. Doctors advised bed rest and no work and whatsoever to which he glared at the doctor unstopped. That guy loves his work. I bet he wants to go to office even in this condition. But the walking sticks would be just for a very short time.

His attitude towards me was still the same. Cold. His family could feel the tension between us. I was worried that they would ask me but they didn't thankfully. I don't know how I would have responded to their questions.

I had arranged a room downstairs for him. He can't just take stairs now since his room was upstairs. "Your clothes are here too." I smiled at him.

"I could have easily gone to my room." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah totally." I muttered sarcastically. I don't know why he is so stubborn.

"Stop playing with them.  You are going to hit me with it." I said as I took the walking sticks from brandon's hand and hid them behind the curtains. I have no idea why he is so obsessed with them since the moment he saw them.

He let out a cry of protest and I shook my head at him.

It was night and I was so tired. I have not been sleeping much since his accident. I am tired but I can't. I sleep but I wake up after a few hours. I am not restful.

I was with daniel and brandon was just playing. It was his time to sleep though. I was sitting on the couch in the room and daniel was laying on his bed with his phone in his uninjured hand. He was silent. This id how our days spent in hospital.


We need to talk. But he keeps pushing it.

"Hey." I heard someone and woke up abruptly. I sighed of relief as I saw that he was alright.

"You should go to bed. You are tired." Daniel said and I think these were the most words he has spoken to me without any sign of coldness. I nodded.

I couldn't have been asleep for more than fifteen minutes. I stood up and saw that brandon was on the floor still playing with his toys. I picked him up in my arms. "Sleep time." I said to him. He didn't protest, just resting his head on my shoulder yawning.

"Have you taken your medicines?" I asked daniel turning towards him. He nodded grimly.

I stood for a while thinking and then nodded to myself and went to the other empty side of the bed putting half-asleep brandon a little away from daniel so he won't kick him or something in the night when he is asleep.

"What are you doing?" I heard daniel say.

"Sleeping here." I replied shrugging like it was the most normal thing and I wasn't getting goosebumps. Totally not.

I looked towards him and he looked shocked. "Why?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "You seriously don't think that I will leave you alone down in this condition. You had an accident for god sake. No joke. You have a broken leg and arm. What if you want something and-

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